
Overnight Ocean Thread

Birth Control Works9/30/2009 6:28:24 am PDT

re: #298 _RememberTonyC

Have we discussed the propriety of President Obama going abroad to lobby for the Olympics in Chicago in 2016? Personally, I don’t care that he’s going, anymore than I cared how many vacations GWB took. The POTUS is always connected, regardless of his location.

However, I don’t know that hosting the Olympics is all it’s cracked up to be. For a place like Salt Lake City hosting the winter games, it was probably a good thing, thanks to Mitt Romney’s involvement. SLC is a pretty small town compared to Chicago. But for a place like Chicago, the city will basically be paralyzed for 2-3 weeks while the much larger summer games are in town.

And since I believe Obama will be re-elected, there is a part of me that feels like Obama the narcissist sees the Olympics in Chicago (in the summer of 2016) as his chance for another speech that will serve as a “curtain call” to the world for his Presidency as his second term concludes.

I’ve not heard any of my neighbors in Chicagoland express enthusiam for the Olympics. (‘cept Gubernor Daley)