
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

Van Helsing8/30/2009 5:41:54 pm PDT

re: #298 LudwigVanQuixote

NO. I think it is a bunch of political crap that was hackneyed by the politicians.

The idea of paying others to pollute for you does not significantly impact emissions enough to make a real difference. It only means the more pollution will come from China and India.

Rather than funding their pollution, we should be curtailing it byt restricting purchases from their sweatshops.

I’m in complete agreement with that.

We need to keep pushing our congress critters to make it easier to get nukes built and on-line.

Tidal power (since there are population concentrations on both coasts) is another area that needs to be more aggressively pursued.

Coal to gas, liquefaction and other processes that are available now need to have research funded.

And yet they focus on the most intermittent of sources - wind and sun.