
John Oliver: Long-Term Care Needs Fixing, and Here's Why

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/12/2021 5:27:20 pm PDT

re: #300 austin_blue

I’d go w/ an mRNA vaccine. I got the Moderna vaccine (sore arm, a little bit of soft stools the next day, mild ennui).

She Who Must Be Obeyed got Pfizer jabs- less arm pain, but was a little more tired the next day. Outside of that, pfffft.

We are 65 and 63, and I am still getting over a major lung attack (Aspergillosis) from 6 months ago, which nearly killed me. The mRNA vaccines were a breeze for us both.

I got the Moderna one as well, my 2nd dose is scheduled for next week. For some reason that may or may not be valid any more, it was the one I was hoping I would get.

It hurt a bit for a day or two after a couple of hours from the shot. I had what I would call “heat flashes” for lack of a better term on and off for a couple of days, but… I was having them for 2 or 3 days before the vaccination as well so that’s unrelated, and perhaps (with my anxiety level… probably) psychosomatic. So really I had no “side effects” at all. None of this crashing out dead tired for a day or so that I keep hearing from others.

I tend to get respiratory infections and ear infections at the drop of a hat. So this past year as been a nightmare of anxiety for me.