
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Rubberbands and Squirrels

steve_davis11/23/2022 8:17:04 am PST

for reasons that are a complete mystery to me, my cat just ate what I think was a small corner of pop-tart that fell on the floor earlier. I was promised that cats were obligatory carnivores. Pretty sure pop-tarts don’t count. And in other news, Fed Ex’s complete incompetence finally works out for me. They deliver the Fender Ultra Tele (Texas Tea: oh, to die for!) while I’m spending the 15 minutes at the grocery store, because they have a satellite that basically surveils my apartment and ensures that things get delivered when I’m out, but then they don’t bother with the whole “signature required” part of the transaction. I’m sure the vendor is thrilled to know that the extra 5 bucks they spent for that service was ignored. The unethical part of me is very tempted to tell them “No, I’ve looked all over, and I don’t see a large box outside the front. Maybe you could just send another, this time maybe in the cobalt blue.” But then the superego chimes in and ruins the whole thing.