
Wednesday Night Open: Baby Trashes Bar

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/16/2011 10:21:59 pm PST

re: #368 BishopX

Corporations were created in the american legal code as devices for limiting the liability of shareholders.

Yes. Otherwise, each “owner” (stockholder) would be thought personally liable.

If the idea of personhood is removed, then we have to ask if we are going to hold each owner of a “company” to be personally liable for the actions of the company.

E.g., if you and I enter into joint ownership of a piece of property, and someone is injured on that property, both you and I are able to be sued.

If 10,000 stockholders own a company, say, and someone becomes injured on the property of that company, then are all 10,000 owners liable to be sued?

You might say “no”, but then on what ground would the injured have to find justice against whom?