
Complete Video Series: Samantha Bee's "Not the White House Correspondents' Dinner"

Citizen K4/30/2017 2:34:20 pm PDT

This week has been the most depressing and demoralizing week since the inaug. Between Obama becoming the next Public Enemy #1 over something all presidents since Ford did, the continued crucifying of Chelsea Clinton for existing, and now the face front normalization of this unfolding shitshow, exemplified by almost every single fucking outlet falling all over themselves to praise Trump for his ‘ability to learn and adapt’ for his 1st 100 Days and the official NYT line of ‘shame your readers for not buying what we’re selling’ because of Bret Stephens….

And now I learned that Duterte is visiting, at Trump’s own request over the State Dept.’s head. And I can’t wait for the media to fucking praise him for this, and then tell everyone why the Dem party needs to be outlawed for disagreeing with Trump on something.

I’m tapping. I have to take Klys’ advice and just detach for at least a week or so. All this shit just has me wanting to punch myself in the fucking head just to make it all stop because of how futile everything fucking seems. And yet I’m afraid once I return, everything will be just that much worse and the country will be demanding Dem heads on a pike because why fucking not.