
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Alexzander12/28/2010 7:21:04 pm PST

re: #28 golgoth

So why did Manning “allegedly” confess to Lamo about his leaks?

That part still does not make any sense.

My interpretation:
He had a lot on his shoulders; in addition to having leaked all of the cables, Manning was (allegedly again) intending to have a sex change. He mistakenly believed his had found some common ground with Lamo on both of these issues (‘hacking’ and gender issues.)

Also, I thought this was interesting, from the first two lines of the article:

Six months ago, senior editor Kevin Poulsen came to me with a whiff of a story. A source he’d known for years claimed he was talking to the FBI about an enlisted soldier in Iraq who had bragged to him in an internet chat of passing hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the secret-spilling site Wikileaks.

This suggests that Lamo himself had been working as a source, aka leaker, for Wired.