
Read the Heavily Redacted Affidavit for the Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant

BadgerB8/26/2022 4:31:32 pm PDT

re: #138 Charles Johnson

After reading the affidavit I’m beginning to think it might actually be possible that Trump will be indicted and convicted.

On balance I still think it’s more likely he’ll never face consequences for any of his crimes, but this is looking really bad for him.

I’m pretty cynical about him doing any actual time. I think the worst case for him for stealing, carelessly storing, and obstructing the recovery of, [just typing that raises my blood pressure], the documents is a permanent and total voiding of his security clearance. That would prevent him from holding any job requiring one including federal elected office.

The only way he does any time is if one or more of the documents show up in someone else’s hands. If a copy of a document at MAR shows up in Riyadh, Beijing, or Moscow then all bets are off. Even with no proof that he was directly involved in its transfer, until we have proof that something leaked somehow I don’t think he gets fitted for the stylish orange jumpsuit. [For the record, this makes me angry but its the way I see it]