
A Great John Oliver Bit on Migrants and Refugees Catches Fox News Using Old Footage to Spread Fear

Reality Based Steve9/28/2015 3:56:46 pm PDT

re: #34 BeachDem

And when they’re not reporting on every bit of bullshit that comes out of his mouth, they’re pondering the phenomenon of how much coverage he gets (from them.)

Next up, CNN delves into why CNN spends so much time talking about Donald Trump as CNN continues to talk about Donald Trump. Our media analysts will delve deeply into the Trump/media symbiotic relationship and discuss how and why the media devote so much time to Donald Trump, devoting an entire hour to why do we cover Donald Trump.

Next up, we will unveil our new Trump Simulator, a state-of-the-art multimedia experience that will take you deep inside the Trump Thought Process. (Not recommend for pregnant women, people suffering from vertigo or anybody who wishes to retain some small portion of their humanity)