
Hundreds of Former NatSec and Foreign Policy Officials Sign Statement Calling Trump's Actions 'Profound National Security Concern'

KGxvi9/27/2019 12:27:26 pm PDT

re: #39 lawhawk

Trump’s violating the PRA by tearing it up. These people are trying to adhere to the PRA, and it’s possible that other papers aren’t getting into the records because Trump managed to destroy them first.

Trump’s presidential “library” is going to be off the hook - it’s going to look the Iranian effort to reconstruct every document the US tried to shred before the Iranians overran the embassy. Except with a lot more sharpie markers to lead the way.

What are the odds that Trump even gets a library? I doubt he’s willing to spring for it. And if he collects donations to build one, you know he’ll skim off the top and keep delaying the project based on “stupid local regulations” or some such.

And if it does get built, it’ll probably be like the Nixon library was - independent at first, and requiring major remodeling before the National Archives will take control.