
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Varek Raith12/28/2010 11:05:37 pm PST

re: #433 Slumbering Behemoth

I did have an ex that acted like that once. Wouldn’t leave me alone, always calling me and sending me emails. At work, at home, and any place she could contact me.

Dragging my name through the mud with anyone who would listen, while constantly trying to get back together with me. And she was the one who dumped me.

This bullshit went on for just over a year before I truly realized she would never move on. So I did, geographically.

No forwarding address, no mention of where I was going, no talk to anyone of where I took off towards.

I’ve been happily living in peaceful solitude ever since. It’s been many years now, and I hear she is still asking after me. :shudder:
