
NATO Airstrike Kills Qaddafi's Son

Gus4/30/2011 9:17:56 pm PDT

Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike
By Lin Noueihed

TRIPOLI, April 30 (Reuters) - Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday.

It was unclear what the target of the strike was, though Libyan officials said it was Muammar Gaddafi himself, who was giving a live television address at the time.

“They maybe wanted to hit the television. This is a non-military, non-governmental building,” said Mohammed al-Mehdi, head of the civil societies council, which licenses and oversees civil groups in Libya…

Luckily the school was empty at the time. However, why in the world was a school for children with downs syndrome targeted?

Houston, we’ve go a problem.