
NATO Airstrike Kills Qaddafi's Son

NJDhockeyfan4/30/2011 9:50:50 pm PDT

Qadhafi encouraging mass rape: U.S. official

A top United States official has alleged that Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qadhafi supplied Viagra, a drug to treat sexual impotence, to his forces to encourage them to commit mass rape.

Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, reportedly brought up the Viagra issue “during a discussion about whether there is moral equivalence between the Qadhafi forces and the rebels”.

Media reports said her statements were based on claims by the Al Jazeera news channel last month that “Libya-based doctors… had found Viagra in the pockets of pro-Qadhafi soldiers”.

What an evil SOB. I hope the next NATO blast squishes this insect.