
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks12/29/2010 12:48:17 am PST

re: #495 Gus 802

OK. So I was wrong. It might just be Southern California. I’m sure everyone else is car pooling and driving a hybrid in the rest of the state.


Well, I putt around in my little four door honda. It’s nearly twenty years old, so it’s likely not as efficient as the newer cars I can’t afford, but who is gonna volunteer to buy me one of those?

But I do what I can. I make a serious habit of TCB in one trip, and taking others along with me who need to TCB in the same places. I do this mostly for my own convenience, but it does have the effect of reducing waste through less wear and tear and fewer emissions.