
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 7:40:57 pm PDT


Why are so many Christians so unlike Christ?

They have nothing better to do, perhaps? I have no idea. I came out of the Libertarian Goldwater “Sagebrush Rebellion” branch of the Republican Party. California, Arizona and Nevada. Leave my land alone, leave my guns alone and leave ME alone!

The social conservatives grabbed the reins, and…wtf??!

Now we have busybody moralizing scolds who want to use the coercive power of the government to FORCE their social and religious dogmas on everybody because THEY KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL OF US!

When nanny state moral coercion proceeds under the guise of “conservatism”, then the very term ‘conservative’ has ceased to have any meaning. Hence, I no longer call myself a conservative.