
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

researchok12/29/2010 1:05:22 am PST

re: #524 Gus 802

Right. But it’s true. If you had some old piece of junk Jeep Wagoneer and replaced it with a brand new 24,000 Subaru (or whatever) the carbon footprint turned out to be larger over the long run. This include the manufacturing of the new car and the interest you have to pay for the car. Which means you Subaru really costs 30,000 dollars over the long run. That money (or work) equals CO2. Then you have to add in the extra cost of insurance which is more money/CO2.

This is a great ad for Hyundai.

Good cars, well built, more efficient and cost less to buy, insure, maintain and service.

Cadillac can’t compete with that no matter how much bail out money they get.