
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

540 6:53:34 pm PDT

re: #516 iceweasel

I don’t know. This strategy of dismissing the growing craziness out there by always saying “It was ONLY 200 people” can’t keep working.

It’s not always ONLY the same 200 people popping up at these wingnutty events. I wish it were. I’d feel a lot better. It’s like saying of Glnn Bck that he has ‘only’ a couple million viewers. There’s a really ugly climate out there and it seems to be growing.

Again, i certainly don’t think TX will secede, or elect Larry Kilgore to anything, but it’s all very troubling to me as part of a larger pattern.

I don’t think he’s dismissing the craziness; just pointing out that this particular piece of craziness is not exactly a huge movement. And even if it is not the same 200 people, I would be willing to bet that there is some crossover from other nutty groups.

Thousands and thousands of people have attended these “tea party” meetings on healthcare reform, and we’ve heard of a few who have brought guns. That was a stupid and idiotic move, imo, and of course, one gun can do a lot of damage - but the point is that we are not seeing thousands and thousands of people show up with guns.

There are many crazies out there, but the overwhelming majority of folks are just folks like me. That’s it, and I thought that was the point Yochanan was trying to make.