
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

Diego8/30/2009 7:07:42 pm PDT

re: #563 VioletTiger

It’s a trojan horse.

I don’t believe so.

It wouldn’t have to make a profit, since we the taxpayers support it.

I don’t care if it makes a profit and it would primarily be support by those who join it and pay into it. It’s not ‘free to all’, it’s an insurance program regulated by government standards.

The current bill has any number of reasons why you would have to go to the public plan, including changing jobs, etc.

Not so. Other changes to the system would mean you would be able to port your current insurance from job to job, not that you have to drop your insurance and change to the public option.

Private insurance would not be able to compete as more companies throw over to the public option.

Large companies will not be allowed to drop their insurance and send their employees to the public option, and I don’t much care if the insurance companies which screw people over every hour of every day can compete, but compete they will; have no doubt.

Obama and his friends said any number of times that what they want is a single payer system. Obama even claims he wants to get there, although he knows it will take time.

I would like to get there too, but it’ll not happen for a very, very long time.

The way the system is now is killing America, literally.