
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Cato the Elder10/02/2009 8:22:11 pm PDT

re: #583 celticdragon

@Cato The Elder:

(love the name, btw)

Celtic Cross jewelry has far less affiliation with white supremacy then Celtic Cross tatoos. I wear Celtic knot jewelry all the time. When I see the tatoo, that is a huge warning sign. I was shocked and saddened when a female coworker of mine in aviation had the Waffen SS symbology tatooed with Celtic knot work on her arm.

That really ended the friendship. I couldn’t believe it and I didn’t want to believe it. This seemingly nice young woman I was working with was also a white supremacist.

Another thing that really sets me off is when I see the Stars and Bars at Scottish Highland Games. Very sore point with me. Leave the “Silly War” stuff for the re-enactments. The Confederate flab has no business at a Scottish event, and I am profoundly embarrassed when I see people of color who have married into a Clan, wear the tarten and have to be confronted with Confederate nonsense.

Our rebellion was in 1745 and it ended (sadly) at Culloden. Fly those flags.

I think I’m goint to get Cafe Press to make me a T-shirt with a nice big Celtic cross on it and the words “I’m Catholic, not a racist Nazi - wanna make something of it?” Or something cleverer and more in-their-face when I think of it. The whole thing makes my blood boil.

And Charles, I would like permission to change my avatar as outlined above. Please let me know if that would be OK.

When bad people start to take over your symbols, fight back.