
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 8:40:08 pm PDT

Also, writing up that email on the Alpha Legion as we speak. It should say “Johann”, but the name is really Nate.

Cool! :)

I can send you some of the background I did for our last Apocalypse Game I hosted at my home (22 gamers was a bit much…)


A Report on Fryginia Secundus for His Excellency, Inquisitor Lord
Francis Grenel
Prepared by Jenel Felistran, Explicator, Ordo Malleus
Thought for the day: No one is truly innocent. There are only varying degrees of guilt.
Fryginia Secundus
Orb. Distance: 1.34 AU
0.93 G/Temp 12 degrees C
Civilized world
Tithe Grade: Decuma Prima
Aestmare: A350
Population: 13,000,000,000

Abstract and Overview

Fryginia Secundus constitutes one half of a binary planet designation in the Fryginia System. Fryginia Primus and Fryginia Secundus are roughly equal in mass and diameter, and orbit each other over a period of approximately 22 Terran Standard days. Fryginia Primus is an industrialized world, and constitutes the main trade partner of, and food recipient from, Fryginia Secundus. There are a total of 8 major planets in the system, five of which are inhabited to some degree for mining, industry or military purposes apart from the Fryginia subset.