
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 9:08:23 pm PDT

re: #621 Dante41

In the name of the God Emperor of Mankind, I order you to do so! :-)

Revered Sir:

Vox logs and data pix of the engagement at Oltsdorff, Fryginia Secundus will be transmitted via astropath relay at your convenience. The glorious Tallarn 23 Amoured Cavalry Regiment was victorious, and the mutant/traitor uprising shattered by Adeptus Astartes and Collegio Titanicus counter strikes. You will be gratified to know that Ahriman was forced off world and has been frustrated in his designs. Pursuit of the Traitor Legions continues at this hour.

For The Emperor:

Jenel Felistran
Explicator, Ordo Malleus