
Newt Gingrich's Soft, Fuzzy Side:

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/29/2011 7:13:58 pm PST

US Republicans Campaign Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

U.S. Republican presidential hopefuls are busy campaigning in Iowa Thursday, five days before the first nominating contest of the 2012 presidential campaign.

The candidates are filling the next several days with visits to local pizza joints, breakfast spots, and bars, rallies and town halls, and in between, speeding around the central U.S. state to their next campaign stop an hour or two or three later.


Feel Free to Ignore Iowa

It’s that fourth-place goal that has Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Rick Perry staggering around the state trying to visit all 99 counties and eat at least one meal a day at a Pizza Ranch outlet. (Pizza Ranch is a Christian-based, Iowa-based chain that has found success in the conviction that pizza tastes best in a cowboy-themed setting.)

Aha! “Pizza” is code, for “Jesus”.