
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Cato the Elder10/02/2009 9:56:08 pm PDT

re: #645 Thanos

I understand your frustration, if wear it you must pick one with arms thinner where it crosses, the wide base, and celtic knots. That way nobody can argue much.

If by “wide base” you mean the lower extremity being longer than the other three, then yes. That is for me one of the defining characteristics of the Celtic cross. I see the ones with equal protrusions all round as being something else. This is what I wear, and have done for years. You can see that the top protrudes higher than the sides, as well.

This is what I have always thought of as a Celtic cross. Perhaps the distinction is between the Christian Celtic cross and the pagan (whether pre-Christian or contemporary pagan) version. No matter. If I were a pagan I’d be just as pissed at the Nazis for stealing my symbol.

But you can see why I don’t think anyone could confuse what I wear with a Nazi token.