
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Mark Winter12/29/2010 7:49:01 am PST

re: #592 mikehaas82

I’m not buying this forum’s faux indignation at WikiLeaks or Assange or Manning. ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that this Forum has openly discussed the material. That means of course, as I pointed out before - there isn’t a single person who needs to have access to or otherwise read, WikiLeaks - all they have to do is watch the network news or check out the myriad number of blogs such as LGF to get all the leaked information they can choke down.

I’ve caught some flak here for cautiously supporting WL, but the argument you make here is simply off the mark. Once a “secret” is out, it’s out, and it doesn’t become less “out” if people who didn’t support the outing in the first place refuse to discuss the issues involved with that. That’s not “faux indignation”. That’s just dealing with reality.