
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

656 7:53:20 am PST

re: #651 mikehaas82

Yes, I’m saying Charles and many, many other sources, personalities, agencies, et. al., are being incredibly unrealistic about WikiLeaks. They are knee-jerk reactions that have escalated to the level of a democracy like Hungary pulling the plug on a free press.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself?

Its the 21st Century, Buck Rogers (this is not meant personally, BV). “They” are watching us. We now have the technology and the infrastructure to be watching “THEM”.

Anyway - so Lizards, do you think it stops with WikiLeaks? Jail, prosecute, draw and quarter Assange and Manning and their accomplices and it all goes away and we’re safe again? You know better.

I haven’t seen anyone suggest drawing and quartering anyone. How weird you took that from discussions here. Have you actually read anything?

Was Assange on a ballot anywhere in this country? Did anybody vote for him to be in the decision-making loop as to the security of information? What gives him the right to make those decisions FOR us?

Are there problems? Sure. Who elected Assange to be the fixer? I sure didn’t. By what right does he steal and publish classified information, and what gives him the right to usurp my rights?