
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

sattv4u28/30/2009 8:10:34 pm PDT

re: #666 Jimmah

Certainly, they could have done more to call out some of the more deranged incidents. But the GOP really has a big problem today with this lunacy. If they are seen as a party that has a big problem with, frankly, scary extremists that it is unable to dissociate itself from, they will be likely to lose the next election no matter what happens.

So let me get this right (because I REALLY have to drive home now!)

ONE person shows up at a Bush rally with a gun (a couple of times), it’s just an isolated incident
ONE person shows up at an Obama rally with a gun (a couple of times) and it’s an oraganized coup!

Did the “organizers” all get together and vote on which nut would actually carry the gun? What if he refused? Did he lose his membership to NutsRUs?

You see Jimmah, here’s my problem. I’ve se LOADS of people here and conservatives elswhere condemning the idiot(s) that showed up with a gun to an Obama rally, but I see you as dismissing the same behaviour at a Bush rally as an “isolated incident”

Have I got that right now, Jimmah??