
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Walter L. Newton12/29/2010 8:34:08 am PST

re: #690 mikehaas82

No Walter, you don’t have to prove anything to me. I’m stating opinion based on the facts as I currently understand them and so are you and the other posters. At this point I happen to believe that Assange committed no crime. Manning *may* have - I’m awaiting more info before I form a solid opinion.

As far as looking silly from the monitor side of the conversation, I’m well aware of that.

I’m curious however what direction this conversation might have taken if the leaked memos had gone straight to CNN or CBS or MSNBC and they had been redacted and published. Would we still be going apeshit-crazy about it?

Well - I inferred earlier that I would bow out and let you all get on with it but there’s a reoccurring question from “your” side that I’m honestly not getting: Whether I’m answering “hard questions”. So far, and I don’t mean this as denigrating: I haven’t been *asked any* yet.

Who used the words “hard questions?”

You see, you look sillier and sillier on this end of the monitor. No one used that term, you just made that up, and you put it in quotes as if one of us made that claim.

You’re dishonest too.