
Seth Meyers: Trump Doubles Down on Calling Putin "Smart," Gets Confused on Fox News

steve_davis2/25/2022 6:14:39 am PST

re: #72 Florida Panhandler

Putin and his lapdogs in Russia have long expressed similar resentments and eliminationist rhetoric towards “the West” and much of the world in general.

Putin is much more than a mere genocidal maniac. Based on his rhetoric and now his actions he is a xenophobic threat to the entire world and I’m sure those around him used to wealth and power who thought he could be contained are now convinced the monster is loose and cannot be re-chained again. I suspect many of them now realize he must be eliminated the old school Russian way. Look for internal purges soon conducted by Putin as a dead giveaway.

it’s time for NATO to commit troops to this. I know it’s easy for me to say behind a keyboard, but fuck, so far what we’ve offered by way of pushback is pretty thin gruel. The Ukrainians are doing the best they can, but unless we would like to have the lesson for the world from this be that eliminating your nuclear weapons and having a democracy will get you overrun by your neighboring madman, it’s time to kick some ass.