
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

mikehaas8212/29/2010 9:25:53 am PST

re: #729 Charles

Charles, I believe you’re an incredibly brave man, publicly breaking with the far-right and whether you believe it or not, you are more a “hero”, if you must call it that, to me than Greenwald. I merely read and respect his viewpoints and am aware of the accolades he’s received. You on the other hand (and here goes - I’ll get banned now) have done nothing but hurl invective against Greenwald but I honestly (and perhaps I missed it) have not seen much substance behind that invective.

I don’t disrespect your opinion on WikiLeaks, its your blog and your forum and you’re entitled. I just happen not to agree with it. Rather the point of running an opinion blog with a comments section.

I got slapped around as I suspected I would be and defended myself (more or less). I expected it, but I was interested in the replies I would get. I will say none of the replies convinced me to retract or reconsider my own opinion. But considering I was once a very conservative Republican and now I’m…not, I’m more than capable of changing my opinion once I’m convinced I’m wrong.

So here goes: May I make a suggestion? Your feelings toward Greenwald and what ever it is that he’s written that have your dander up - you’ve been pretty damn good in the past of writing your own responses to a variety of folks in the past publicly - why not write one on Greenwald, his viewpoints, and the Assange affair? You have more leverage than you might realize. Wired wrote theirs, I’m still waiting for CNN’s - I would very much like to read your own.

I’m a Jew - I admit my hackles rise when I see crap like, “just remember that the ‘w’ should pronounced as a ‘v’ in ‘wald’. Fully rendered into German, his name is Grunwald. The u has a umlaute, but I can’t prouce those with my keyboard.”

Brookly Red rightly called him on it: “you mean a joo?”

Small potatoes I admit…call me over-sensitive. So I am.

However - I disagree completely with other posters here who said, paraphrasing, that once the memos were leaked, they were “fair game”. If leaking the memos were a crime, would our government be justified in bringing charges against *any* outlet that quoted them in whole or in part?