
John Oliver Looks Into PFAS, a Dangerous Chemical You Probably Didn't Know About

Dr Lizardo10/04/2021 11:37:01 am PDT

A parting thought - as much fun as it is to mock Zuckerberg and this FB related outage, there’s a lot of people who use FB Messenger, WhatsApp, etc., to communicate with their family and loved ones while they’re halfway around the world. There’s a lot of people that use FB for their small businesses and every moment it’s down, they could be looking at real income losses.

So for those people, they have my sympathies because they certainly don’t deserve this. Things are bad enough and for some people to lose their side hustle, which might make the difference between dinner or no dinner for they and their families, that’s gonna hurt. To be unable to communicate with their parents, or siblings, or even close friends, that’s not good.

And with that, time to call it a day. Have a good one, Lizards and stay healthy.