
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

realwest5/02/2009 10:29:54 am PDT

re: #60 yma o hyd
Thanks for that {yma} from Wiki on the UKIP

On 3 November 2008, the British National Party offered UKIP an electoral pact deal for the 2009 European elections. UKIP member Buster Mottram entered a UKIP executive meeting and proposed the BNP-UKIP pact, but the pact wasn’t given a chance and then, according to the UKIP website, “he had to be escorted out by uniformed police officers.”[8]

[emphasis realwest]
I reckon they really don’t want any alliance with BNP, but this was unsettling to read and methinks that the UKIP bears close scrutiny.