
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

mikehaas8212/29/2010 9:58:33 am PST

re: #766 Charles

For Chrissake, Charles - are you fucking kidding me? I read the link and I have to wonder if any of the other posters here did. Ah, poor baby - Greenwald lumped you in with Limbaugh and other Righty-Sites and probably and justifiably hasn’t read your forum in ages (why should he?) because there was a time, Charles, when LGF fucking *WAS* a filth-spewing shithole!!! And I know that, Charles - because I’ve been reading this blog for quite some time now.

Guess there’s no possibility that Greenwald doesn’t give a flying fuck about Charles Johnson and that he’s missed your epiphany regarding the far-right, eh? And that makes Glenn Greenwald a “despicable” human being and a “L.I.A.R.” Mr. Johnson - YOU are an A.S.S.H.A.T.

As for the rest of you - you know damn well you know little if NOTHING about Glenn Greenwald, have probably never read his Salon column and are aping Charles’ opinion. BULLSHIT! I wonder how many of you had never even *heard* of Glenn Greenwald before Charles got his panties in a wad.

Y’know Charles…I might be dead-wrong about WikiLeaks. But there’s no “might” about the fact that you are DEAD wrong about Greenwald and have nothing but your bruised ego to prove otherwise.