
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

avoidswork12/29/2010 10:22:32 am PST

I don’t know, Charles. Greenwald pretty much pwnd’s response in the same way he pwnd Yellin/Townsend Monday on CNN.

While he can certainly reach some “hysteria” levels, his main points to Poulson/Hansen were never addressed by them in their response to Greenwald.

I would be very interested to have you post a “Reasons not to trust Greenwald”. I usually enjoy your blog, but I agree that the WikiLeaks thing has you nutted out. Plus, I keep reminding myself that you used to be part of Pajamas Media which is now a hotspot of Tea Party nuttery.

Frankly, you didn’t make any comments on your blub about Wired’s response. Break it down and show us how they are ethically above Greenwald about this.