
Louis Cole Can Dance: "I'm Tight"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/24/2022 1:07:40 am PDT

Whoa… just looked at my local grocery store weekly flyer and coupon deals for the week… and seeing “sale” prices have jumped to higher than the regular prices I have been paying the past month or so, for items I regularly buy.

Other items, such as in the bakery, are now being packaged with half the count of items they did just last week. Then there is a “sale” price that is less than the price last week… until you double it to get the same count and one realizes the price has gone up by 25%.

This is crazy inflation.

This will affect the election.

I know may Democrats are hoping that anger over abortion will be enough this fall to hold onto the majority in Congress, but with inflation that I am now seeing I doubt it will be enough.

Voters will respond to the rapidly increasing prices.