
Overnight Open Thread

Render4/30/2009 7:53:49 am PDT

We have a total of 74 LCAC’s and no more in production or planned, this is a reduction from the 91 that were orginally in service. They are not bulletproof (in fact, as hovercraft, they are exceedingly vulnerable to small arms fire), nor do they have any great abilities to move any distance inland.

If we are no longer doing amphibious landings, then we no longer need amphibious ships, of any size, including the LCAC’s.

The EFV is the “advanced landing craft” that RW is talking about. It’s canceled.

So I say again, if we are not doing amphibious landings any longer (as per Robert Gates) then what is the relevance of the USMC?

Robert Gates defines the USMC out of relevance and I’m the one accused of hyperbole?