
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Severus12/29/2010 2:26:18 pm PST

Like him or not I think Greenwald does have some valid points. If information is being discussed publicly by one or more of the parties involved then there really is not need for the relevant dialog to remain unpublished. If there are discrepancies between what has been written and what is being stated publicly then there should be disclosure.

The issues Charles or anyone else have with Greenwald are irrelevant to the points he makes. He’s not slandering anyone in his column and he seems fairly reasonable. Then read the Wired column and they seem reasonable. The columns and responses make valid points, there should be a way to meet in the middle. It’s not like either one of them appear to be 100% right or 100% wrong. Sadly reasonable dialog seems to be dead in our country. It’s been replaced by name calling and shouting.