
Veritasium: The Surprising Genius of Sewing Machines

Shropshire Slasher11/26/2023 5:43:00 am PST

Bring cash.

Two Amish men dive into a deep sack of cannabis, scooping out handfuls of emerald buds before smelling them intensely.

It’s not a scene you ever thought you’d see.
But in the beating heart of Amish country - Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - a green revolution is underway.

This week, was granted exclusive behind-the-scenes access to a network of farms where Amish growers expect to sell $3million of their produce to big buyers across the US by 2025.

It is part of a nationwide trend in which the Amish, who once relied heavily on tobacco crops, are pivoting to more profitable cannabis cultivation, feeding a newly-legalized CBD market forecast to be worth $16billion in two years’ time.
Nowhere is this unlikely marriage more pronounced than Lancaster County, home to the oldest and largest Amish community in the US, numbering around 30,000.

But those who gave rare interviews to say cannabis cultivation is a ‘natural fit’ for the Amish tradition of organic farming that bans the use of chemicals or industrial machinery.

They are convinced by its medicinal qualities, but draw the line at recreational use.

Yet the community has already been embroiled in controversy after one operation was forced to shut down following an internal backlash against the marketing of its products to get high.

Welcome to the improbable world of the Amish cannabis kingpins.