
Some More News: Hawaii, National Parks, and the Perils of Overtourism

Randall Gross7/19/2023 12:42:27 pm PDT

I am an Urban tourist and stay away from remote locales.

I saw enough of those as a child, my parents were in the service and perpetually too poor to afford the plane, train, or bus tickets for our family when we our dad’s tour changed. So we ended up driving cross country multiple times and camping like hobos along the way, with only an occasional stay at a cheap motel.

The parent units were also pretty good about taking the detours to see mammoth cave, or Sea lion beach, or the Mystery spot, or whatever other roadside attraction we were passing. As a result of that and spending too many years in remote locations in Alaska, I don’t really need to see the wilds anymore, so all my destinations are Urban nowadays.