
Veritasium: Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED

lawhawk2/08/2024 12:58:37 pm PST

That settles it:

Sliwa believed man attacked by Guardian Angels was migrant because he ‘spoke Spanish’

Guardians Angels boss Curtis Sliwa issued what amounted to a defiant apology Thursday for saying he thought a man roughed up by his crew on national TV in Times Square was a migrant because the man spoke Spanish

NYC has a population of over 8 million, and a significant portion speak Spanish. In fact, it’s 25% of all NYC residents speak Spanish at home. 51% of NYC residents speak English. 49% speak another language at home. Of that 49%, 50% speak Spanish = 25% Spanish speaking at home. That means roughly 2 million New York City residents speak Spanish, so Sliwa is a fucking lunatic to think that he could tell someone was a migrant just on hearing them speak Spanish.

But that’s where the fascist GOP is heading, where they’ll round up anyone who doesn’t conform to their white Christian ideal.