
Inventive New Horror/Comedy Short Film: "The Last Christmas"

Joe Bacon ✅12/25/2023 5:27:41 pm PST

So is Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel the next to be thrown off the Trump Train…with Laura Looney Loomer leading the mob?

Now, Loomer is calling out McDaniel for a fundraising attempt on Christmas eve.

“While everyone has been busy enjoying Christmas, you may have missed this. And I’m sure that’s why it was sent out on Christmas Eve…. But check it out! Look what [GOP chairwoman] sent out on Christmas Eve,” Loomer wrote. “I mean, talk about being disrespectful to President Trump and the GOP base.”

The post includes a fundraising image purporting to show McDaniel offering a poll in which the options are Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy and, finally, Donald Trump.

“Notice she put Trump’s name last… And then asked for donations. Unreal. This is why everyone hates [GOP chairwoman],” Loomer wrote.

In the comments, Trump supporters appeared to largely side with Loomer over McDaniel, who could potentially face criminal charges for a phone call in which she and Trump reportedly pressured county election workers.

“Ronna needs to go!” one user wrote on Christmas.

“Not one single dime while Ronna is still in charge,” said another verified MAGA account. “If the GOP wants to win, they need to [remove Ronna].”

Trump supporter Jean Easter sided with the financial boycott.

“I will donate to a SPECIFIC CANDIDATE’S COFFERS and NOT A DIME to the GOP PARTY as long as Ronna is Chairwoman,” Easter wrote Monday. “IMO she is running election interference JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS COURT CASES by refusing to allocate funds to the People’s choices, just to the elites’ favorites.”