Massive Right Wing Fail of the Day: The Twitter Gulag

Hysterical paranoia runs amok in Wingnut Land
Wingnuts • Views: 31,486

As nearly every right wing “news” source pushes the ridiculous paranoid claim that conservatives are being targeted in a “block and report” campaign on Twitter in order to get their accounts suspended — a claim for which they present absolutely zero evidence — here’s an article at Yahoo News on this outbreak of wingnut hysteria with a few facts that they’ll no doubt ignore: Husband of CNN’s Dana Loesch Not Targeted by Leftists on Twitter, Evidence Suggests.

Chris Loesch posted nearly 50 tweets in the next 45 minutes, retweeting messages from supporters and responding to others who he felt were maligning his wife. Around 9 p.m. on Sunday, Twitter suspended his account.

Several conservative sites arrived at the conclusion that Chris Loesch was the target of a coordinated campaign of liberals who reported his account as abusive. “He was apparently targeted by leftist users who utilized the ‘Block & Report Spam’ function to trigger the social media account’s automatic spam algorithm,” one Washington Times blogger wrote. Human Events, a less obliquely conservative outlet, called the campaign the work of “digital brown shirt gangs that make coordinated attacks to silence conservative voices by abusing Twitter’s spam flagging feature.” Supporters started a #FreeChrisLoesch hashtag. After he was briefly reinstated later that night and then summarily uninstated, the tag was appended to #FreeChrisLoeschAgain.

Hains, the user whose account of her argument with Dana Loesch sparked the mix up, connected Yahoo News with several users who say they routinely report misbehaving Twitter users as abusive. “I absolutely do advise people who are harassed by these hateful idiots to use block and report,” a man named Charles Johnson responded in a tweet. There is no hard evidence, however, that such efforts alone can get a legitimate user removed if he or she is not actually being abusive.

Twitter has about 900 employees and 140 million active users, so like many companies with huge numbers of users they rely on algorithms to detect anomalous behavior. These secret algorithms are incredibly sophisticated in order to prevent people from cheating them, and they’re generally very effective. A recent Berkeley study that deconstructed the algorithm found a fairly low degree of error in the site’s detection system for malicious spammers.

Although calls and tweets from Yahoo News to multiple Twitter spokespeople went unanswered, the company is certainly accounting for factors other than pure numbers of people flagging accounts as spam. If that were the case, prominent voices of any political flavor would regularly vanish and reappear. (This Yahoo News reporter’s experimental attempt to get himself suspended on Twitter by encouraging followers to report him as abusive was unsuccessful.)

More likely, Chris Loesch triggered a red flag at the Twitter headquarters by responding to well-wishers too zealously after rising to his wife’s defense. Dana Loesch posted a screenshot of the warning page her husband received for his first suspension, which states that he was cut off for “sending multiple unsolicited mentions to other users.” His rapid-fire retweeting of others in the immediate aftermath of his spat with Daniel Barber could well meet that definition.

And now, of course, the eager right wingers are desperately trying to accuse me of being the puppetmaster who makes Twitter do his bidding. Here’s one of the dozens and dozens of right wing trolls currently raving at me on Twitter:

How unbelievably pathetic.

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1 Artist  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:10:48pm

Clearly the impossible scenario is the true one!

2 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:11:10pm

I thought you were too busy being irrelevant.

3 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:11:54pm

@Fake_DLoesch on Twitter needs to get active again. My favorite ...

4 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:13:07pm

Massive left wing conspiracy ACTIVATE! Form of, a hashtag, shape of a ice tweet.

5 God of Binders with Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:13:25pm

Mr. Irrelevant:

Image: CJ.gif

6 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:14:32pm

re: #5 Everything in Its Right Place

Mr. Irrelevant:

Image: CJ.gif

The puppet needs to have socks on its hands for typing false flag comments on right wing blogs and FOX articles.

7 God of Binders with Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:15:15pm

Charles, for being so irrelevant, you really know how to get these fucktards all wound up into a raving, vile-spewing blob of right-wing nutism.

8 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:15:37pm

Seriously Charles, be honest, you're one of the Illuminati, right?


9 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:18:20pm

It's amazing. On the one hand, his critics say that Charles is a completely irrelevant joke of a blogger who has a ponytail and is desperately seeking attention. On the other, they say he's an evil mastermind who snaps his fingers and Twitter does his bidding.

I wish people would make up their minds. Are we posting at a blog that is failing and circling the drain of the internet, or are we some sort of nefarious cabal that works to get conservatives silenced on Twitter?

This is why I rarely use Twitter anymore except for stuff that interests me professionally or to share music I'm listening to. All the endless drama is exhausting.

10 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:18:59pm

Unbelievable. You should see Charles's timeline. They've all crawled out of the woodwork and they're rallying around the psycho XCitizen10.

11 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:20:13pm

And they know they're lying. At least a good half know they're lying. No one was even thinking about Chris Loesch since CPAC. Heck, I never even saw his name mentioned in my timeline.

12 austin_blue  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:23:25pm



13 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:23:29pm

I have only 26 followers on Twitter (and one of them is on probation) because I block anybody I don't know who follows me (except for one guy who I think is a lizard, but I don't know who). So I am irrelevant. It's so stupid for people like the Loesches to pal around with nasty stalker types that they don't even know. It makes me think that they must be nasty stalker types themselves. (Supporting corpse-peeing should have been a clue, I guess.)

14 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:23:47pm

re: #10 Gus

Unbelievable. You should see Charles's timeline. They've all crawled out of the woodwork and they're rallying around the psycho XCitizen10.

It's a total wingnut pile-on.

15 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:24:40pm

I've added at least 50 names to Tweetdeck's global filter today. I'm being totally swarmed with right wing hatred.

16 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:25:38pm

re: #10 Gus

Unbelievable. You should Charles's timeline. They've all crawled out of the woodwork and they're rallying around the psycho XCitizen10.

How do we do that?

17 God of Binders with Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:26:42pm

re: #9 Lidane

You forgot to mention that Charles is a child molester, too.

18 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:29:13pm

re: #16 b_sharp

How do we do that?

Go here and then click "all."

Or go here and then click "all."

19 Decatur Deb  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:29:45pm

Thought of joining twitter, but it's probably better to continue posting political comments on truck stop urinal walls.

20 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:30:16pm

re: #10 Gus

Unbelievable. You should see Charles's timeline. They've all crawled out of the woodwork and they're rallying around the psycho XCitizen10.

It's amazing, really, that all these people are shrieking that they're being silenced while at the same time they're, well, shrieking with reckless abandon.

21 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:31:28pm

Speaking of Twitter, it was Charles Johnson that got me to join Twitter for some reason or another. He's the very first person I followed.

22 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:32:41pm

re: #17 Everything in Its Right Place

Nah. I leave the hateful slander to the RWNJs on Twitter.

I swear, it's like high school on steroids. I mean, I know the practical uses of Twitter for business and social media purposes. In the right contexts, you can get the word out on any number of products, brands and ideas, and I use it for that reason. It's just exhausting when Twitter becomes a sledgehammer to beat people over the head with in terms of personal grudges.

23 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:33:30pm

re: #19 Decatur Deb

Thought of joining twitter, but it's probably better to continue posting political comments on truck stop urinal walls.

Your audience skews towards the masculine there.

24 Decatur Deb  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:34:32pm

re: #23 wrenchwench

Your audience skews towards the masculine there.

But they're generally more sophisticated. I'm after the prized Freightliner demographic.

25 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:36:25pm

I wonder how many 'block and reports' the wingnut army has sent in on me today? Gotta be in the hundreds by now.

26 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:37:03pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

But they're generally more sophisticated. I'm after the prized Freightliner demographic.


What's wrong with Kenworth?

27 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:37:59pm

re: #19 Decatur Deb

Thought of joining twitter, but it's probably better to continue posting political comments on truck stop urinal walls.

The individual Mandate is unconstitutional! for a good time call - Decatur Deb

28 KingKenrod  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:39:57pm

I'm not twitter savvy, but I'm sure Twitter's spam algorithm includes some kind of "reputation" score where if someone falsely reports tweets as spam, their future complaints are discounted or ignored.

29 TooManyJens  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:40:33pm

All this is going to do is convince the nutjobs that Yahoo News is part of the liberal media conspiracy.

30 Decatur Deb  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:41:43pm

"You know you might be a redneck rwnj if you've had to climb a water tower lose your twitter account to defend your sister's wife's honor."


31 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:43:34pm

I so don't have any shits to give over this retarded twitter drama...

32 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:50:21pm


33 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:54:28pm

Today's installment of Our America comes from ... Tennessee:

Robin D. Zimmer, Knoxville

Our nation and our state are losing its scientific dominance and leadership in the world. Why? I believe the answer lies in early (pre-college) education and training. The Wall Street Journal reported that 80 percent of our high school seniors nationwide are now scoring below proficiency in science and mathematics (Jan. 26, 2011). Moreover, our country has now slipped to 31st in world science and math education. It is clear that something is wrong with our approach to teaching and something must be done for the welfare of our kids, our state and our great nation.

Tennessee's recently passed "evolution bill" offers an improvement in our approach to science education. The bill simply proposes that public school teachers be permitted to allow critical analysis of scientific theories within the classroom. Nothing more and nothing less. Did modern man evolve from the apes? Maybe so, maybe not. Is there evidence that life on Earth was purposely designed? Maybe so, maybe not. Was life on Earth seeded from space aliens? Maybe so, maybe not. Empower the students to analyze the evidence from all angles by applying critical-thinking principles. Let us not encumber our high school and middle school students by dictating controversial theories and doctrine to them so that they can memorize and regurgitate it come exam time. Memorizing and filling in the teacher's answers on an exam may produce good note-takers, but not good critical thinkers and scientists.

As president and chief operating officer of a Tennessee biotechnology firm, I am passionate about good science education. After all, my company's welfare is highly dependent upon good scientific thinkers and problem solvers. Where will these good scientists come from? Overseas?

Finally, some folks have stated that this newly passed bill is confusing. I don't find it confusing at all. I find it necessary.

The writer of this little letter has history. When this bill came up last year he wrote, and this is copied from the IDiots site as they apparently love him:

[...] focused on the teaching of evolution as a non-controversial fact. But are there controversies associated with theories such as full Darwinian macroevolution? Sure there are. Michael Behe, [...]

See - the US can once again become the world leader in science, if only we could be free to discuss the errors of Darwinian macroevolution.

It all makes sense now.

34 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:58:49pm

Oh, original linky:


And, I will note that the double-speak in which Robin Zimmer partakes is from the same fuzzy-mind set that claims being banned from Twitter for stalking is somehow treading on the stalker's rights, or that a gay man finally complaining about being verbally assaulted all his life from fundamentalists is somehow persecuting said Christians by his airing of frustration at the bigots.

It's all part of a ploy to avoid the painful truth that arises when reality is impinging upon fantasy.

35 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:59:15pm

re: #33 freetoken

Reading this letter from Mr. Zimmer reminded me of this little ditty, namely the chorus.

36 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:59:44pm

BRB gotta block and report Chris Loesch

37 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:00:22pm

re: #33 freetoken

Are we not men?!

Image: jocko1.jpg

38 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:00:38pm

re: #11 Gus

And they know they're lying. At least a good half know they're lying. No one was even thinking about Chris Loesch since CPAC. Heck, I never even saw his name mentioned in my timeline.

For serious. If Charles -- or any other of "the progressive lynch mob" -- could just snap his fingers and get someone blocked, why would they use it on Chris Loesch of all people?

It's pretty clear that what happened was that CLoesch went kind of nuts on twitter and they shut him down for that automatically, not that he was targeted by anyone.

Hell, if it was true that he was being targeted, wouldn't there be some proof of that? The Internet is a pretty open place and you'd think there would be a smoking gun somewhere if that were the case.

39 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:01:41pm

re: #21 teleskiguy

Speaking of Twitter, it was Charles Johnson that got me to join Twitter for some reason or another. He's the very first person I followed.

These twitter shenanigans are tempting me to sign up.

40 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:03:01pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

Undoubtedly some of them are making up new accounts JUST to report you. Because they think that works.

The thing that would really work is if they could trick you into making a whole string of deranged, defensive replies like CLoesch. But you're not an overreacting twit like him.

41 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:04:41pm

Right Wing dogma has always relied on an omnipotent minority who needs to be challenged in order to gain freedom.

42 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:04:47pm

re: #33 freetoken

Today's installment of Our America comes from ... Tennessee:

"Was life on Earth seeded from space aliens? Maybe so, maybe not."

Wow, is that really what the guy thinks students should be discussing in science class?

43 Artist  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:05:41pm

I tweet. Though it's mostly me being a dork. :P

44 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:06:23pm

re: #42 Shvaughn

Wow, is that really what the guy thinks students should be discussing in science class?

David Brin's Uplift series should be a textbook in TN.

45 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:09:11pm

re: #42 Shvaughn

Wow, is that really what the guy thinks students should be discussing in science class?

I'm willing to entertain ideas like the building blocks of life coming from asteroids or other celestial bodies that crashed into the primordial ocean. That at least has some scientific basis to it. Saying "some 'higher power' created everything for a purpose" is nothing more than putting creationism in a lab coat and calling it "science."

46 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:10:36pm

re: #43 Sonic the Hedgehog

I tweet. Though it's mostly me being a dork. :P

I don't follow you. Minescule dork in my timeline. Need more, how do I follow?

47 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:11:37pm

Update: beans starting to settle.

48 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:11:59pm

Thank dog

49 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:13:09pm

re: #48 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

Thank dog

Arf, arf.

50 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:13:20pm

Remember: in your LGF Account Settings you can enter your Twitter username so other LGF readers can find you on Twitter. If you link your Twitter account to LGF, any LGF Pages you post will be automatically tweeted with your account.

51 Artist  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:13:27pm

re: #46 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

I don't follow you. Minescule dork in my timeline. Need more, how do I follow?

[Link:] :)

52 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:15:04pm

re: #39 Shvaughn

These twitter shenanigans are tempting me to sign up.

It's a good place to get 140 character quips from your favorite people or organizations. You can even try to "connect" with famous people, and sometimes they answer back. I commented to Charles (@Lizardoid) one time about how he was doing a good job exposing the kookery and racism that people like Breitbart and others were airing for the whole world to see, and just a few minutes later I get this in my feed:

@teleskiguy is me, by the way. Breitbart was nothing if not persistent in his ways. His frantic insulting style has done great harm to conservative discourse, but I digress.

I follow a lot of comedians, skiers, and a fair share of pundits from varied political stripes. Your favorite sports people, your friends, your favorite brand of shoes, your favorite music, it's all there.

But, take Andy Borowitz's (@BorowitzReport) advice when it comes to Twitter:

There is a fine line between social networking and wasting your fucking life.

53 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:16:21pm

re: #49 b_sharp

Arf, arf.

54 Decatur Deb  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:17:43pm

re: #52 teleskiguy

It's a good place to get 140 character quips from your favorite people or organizations. You can even try to "connect" with famous people, and sometimes they answer back. I commented to Charles (@Lizardoid) one time about how he was doing a good job exposing the kookery and racism that people like Breitbart and others were airing for the whole world to see, and just a few minutes later I get this in my feed:

[Embedded content] @teleskiguy is me, by the way. Breitbart was nothing if not persistent in his ways. His frantic insulting style has done great harm to conservative discourse, but I digress.

I follow a lot of comedians, skiers, and a fair share of pundits from varied political stripes. Your favorite sports people, your friends, your favorite brand of shoes, your favorite music, it's all there.

But, take Andy Borowitz's (@BorowitzReport) advice when it comes to Twitter:

I prefer TrappistBook. They permit 0 characters.

55 gwangung  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:18:40pm

re: #45 Targetpractice

I'm willing to entertain ideas like the building blocks of life coming from asteroids or other celestial bodies that crashed into the primordial ocean. That at least has some scientific basis to it. Saying "some 'higher power' created everything for a purpose" is nothing more than putting creationism in a lab coat and calling it "science."

If the US is losing it's scientific ore eminence to the world, it's to countries that most definitely DO NOT accept creationism in any way, shape or form.

Of course he'd know that if he wasn't a complete idiot.

56 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:19:19pm

re: #53 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

Karma that what I typed didn't post. Saved again!

57 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:21:37pm

re: #55 gwangung

If the US is losing it's scientific ore eminence to the world, it's to countries that most definitely DO NOT accept creationism in any way, shape or form.

Of course he'd know that if he wasn't a complete idiot.

Like I've said, it's the difference between "smart" and "well-educated idiot." Most folks who think they sound smart by regurgitating the pablum that is "critical thinking" when trying to push ID or even creationism on the schools only end up sounding like flat-earthers who think that any crackpot theory should be given "equal treatment" because they refuse to acknowledge science that doesn't jibe with their religious superstition.

58 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:23:05pm

re: #56 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

Karma that what I typed didn't post. Saved again!


59 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:23:49pm

For those who missed today


Stephen King: Tax me for fuck's sake

60 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:24:13pm
61 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:24:19pm

re: #58 b_sharp


It was unladylike.

62 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:27:52pm

The Tea Party Is Not Happy With Chicago's Sarah Palin Sculpture - Arts & Lifestyle - The Atlantic Cities #p2

63 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:28:04pm

re: #61 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

Hey you...thanks for the donation!

64 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:28:29pm

re: #61 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

It was unladylike.

No such thing.

65 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:29:28pm

This is the link.


66 austin_blue  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:29:30pm

re: #44 Kragar

David Brin's Uplift series should be a textbook in TN.

Chimps, gorillas, and porpoises uplifted to sentient status?


67 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:30:28pm

Every Potential 2040 President Already Unelectable Due To Facebook

68 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:31:03pm

re: #66 austin_blue

Chimps, gorillas, and porpoises uplifted to sentient status?


I think it's a terrific idea. Just think of the monkey business that would ensue?

69 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:31:34pm

re: #63 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Hey you...thanks for the donation!

You thanked & bailed yesterday. I saw it and asked you to Live up to it!!

Peeps, click Darth's name if your food supply and Internet is secure for the month. Everything else is gravy.

70 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:32:17pm

re: #64 b_sharp

No such thing.

Ya, I could destroy the rep if I'm not careful!!

71 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:33:37pm

re: #69 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

You thanked & bailed yesterday. I saw it and asked you to Live up to it!!

Peeps, click Darth's name if your food supply and Internet is secure for the month. Everything else is gravy.

The wife and I donate to that cause every year.

72 austin_blue  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:33:41pm

re: #68 b_sharp

I think it's a terrific idea. Just think of the monkey business that would ensue?

Yeah, but dolphin fish?

Oh, wait...

73 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:36:42pm

re: #72 austin_blue

Yeah, but dolphin fish?

Oh, wait...

Hard to find a poo flinging fish.

74 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:37:38pm

re: #70 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

Ya, I could destroy the rep if I'm not careful!!

What rep? ;)

75 prairiefire  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:38:38pm

re: #49 b_sharp

Arf, arf.

What a big, handsome boy in your avatar. Congratulations!

76 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:40:06pm

re: #69 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

You thanked & bailed yesterday. I saw it and asked you to Live up to it!!

Peeps, click Darth's name if your food supply and Internet is secure for the month. Everything else is gravy.

I've been really busy with the office move which happens this Thursday. I went for a 32 mile practice ride with my sister on Saturday...did that without a problem (and the hills were steeper and higher). I should be good for the ride on Sunday.

77 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:40:20pm

Back. I was driving around to different libraries this evening using my many Twitter accounts to block and report Christ Loesch.


78 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:40:52pm

re: #49 b_sharp

Arf, arf.

Wow...good looking kid...did you make that?

79 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:46:31pm

re: #75 prairiefire

What a big, handsome boy in your avatar. Congratulations!

Thank you. He's doing well today.

80 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:47:32pm

re: #78 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Wow...good looking kid...did you make that?

Sort of. Along with my wife, I made the daughter that made that little guy.

81 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:48:39pm

re: #77 Gus

Back. I was driving around to different libraries this evening using my many Twitter accounts to block and report Christ Loesch.


Who knew Christ used twitter?
If so, John 3:16 would have read:

Fr G so loved the #world #He gave #His @son so that #you shall be #saved #tcot #LOLGOP #WTF

82 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:49:19pm

re: #80 b_sharp

Sort of. Along with my wife, I made the daughter that made that little guy. you're just a vendor...but a grand-vendor at that! Congrats.

83 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:50:08pm

re: #74 b_sharp

What rep? ;)

My imaginary one. How I maintain.

84 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:51:42pm

re: #81 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Who knew Christ used twitter?
If so, John 3:16 would have read:


85 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:52:21pm

re: #83 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

My imaginary one. How I maintain.

You're gorgeous even without the rep.

86 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:53:35pm

re: #52 teleskiguy

Okay...for a second there I thought you were getting tweets from a dead guy and it freaked me the fuck out.

87 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:54:47pm

re: #85 b_sharp

You're gorgeous even without the rep.

So nice. I've been in the crave for compliments mode lately. That was nice. I believe I live too far and I'm not a baby person though.

Best wishes!

88 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:56:41pm

re: #38 Shvaughn

For serious. If Charles -- or any other of "the progressive lynch mob" -- could just snap his fingers and get someone blocked, why would they use it on Chris Loesch of all people?

It's pretty clear that what happened was that CLoesch went kind of nuts on twitter and they shut him down for that automatically, not that he was targeted by anyone.

Hell, if it was true that he was being targeted, wouldn't there be some proof of that? The Internet is a pretty open place and you'd think there would be a smoking gun somewhere if that were the case.

I even pointed that out in last nights thread. It was a Tweet that Alouette first noted. Instead the Charles derangement rears its ugly head and the rest of the wingnuts are buying into the stalker talking points.

They are of course susceptible to any kind of information regardless of whether it's true or not. It's still the same pathology from the post-911 anti-Jihad right wing crazies that still harbors great animosity towards Charles.

89 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 6:59:24pm

re: #87 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

So nice. I've been in the crave for compliments mode lately. That was nice. I believe I live too far and I'm not a baby person though.

Best wishes!

I don't know what you look like on the outside, but I do know what you look like on the inside.

90 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:02:19pm

It's also the same thing, or similar, when a lot of atheists were flipping out because they thought there was a campaign against them on Twitter. I was about the only that pointed out to them that this is part of the new algorithm being utilized by Twitter. Including the fact that they were suspending joke accounts. See:

Twitter's Spam Crackdown Is Killing Some Of Its Funniest Accounts



91 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:03:40pm
92 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:04:49pm

re: #89 b_sharp

:)) well I had that bean dip.

93 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:05:17pm

re: #86 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Okay...for a second there I thought you were getting tweets from a dead guy and it freaked me the fuck out.

Nah. That exchange happened in January.

At the time, I couldn't believe that Breitbart was actually tweeting me personally. I am, after all, just some ski bum with 95 followers.

94 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:06:41pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

Nah. That exchange happened in January.

At the time, I couldn't believe that Breitbart was actually tweeting me personally. I am, after all, just some ski bum with 95 followers.

That's how I ski, on my bum.

95 b_sharp  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:14:04pm

I'm Gonzo.

96 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:14:41pm

OMG these people are assholes.

97 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:23:04pm

re: #95 b_sharp

I'm Gonzo.

Then go back to practicing jumping your motorcycle to land between Statler and Waldorf.

98 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:25:06pm

re: #91 Gus

[Embedded content]

Wehy do you even bother? These assholes don't want to hear facts, they want their Victimhood Fix. Like any bunch of junkies, if they don't get their fix they start going nuts due to withdrawal.

99 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:26:12pm

What a strange adult couple they are.

100 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:29:32pm

re: #94 b_sharp

That's how I ski, on my bum.

I'm polar opposite. A picture to demonstrate:

Image: huckinmeat.jpg

101 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:31:40pm

Some songs aren't as pretty as others, but they still manage to bring a tear to your eye...

102 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:34:22pm

re: #101 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Some songs aren't as pretty as others, but they still manage to bring a tear to your eye...

[Embedded content]


103 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:35:07pm

It'll all be better when Jesus comes back.

104 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:36:01pm

re: #99 HUSKY White Male Lover

What a strange adult couple they are.

I'm glad you didn't name yourself White Male Husky Lover...that would have been weird.

105 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:37:19pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

Nah. That exchange happened in January.

At the time, I couldn't believe that Breitbart was actually tweeting me personally. I am, after all, just some ski bum with 95 followers.

Andrew Breitbart Tweeted many people, far more than your average internet big shot. His eternal willingness to directly engage his detractors (even if only to spew abuse) was one of his distinctive traits. Whatever else he was, Andrew Breitbart was not the man to snipe and then hide.

106 jamesfirecat  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:37:50pm

re: #44 Kragar

David Brin's Uplift series should be a textbook in TN.

Wolfling pride, say it loud, say it proud!

107 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:37:52pm

re: #100 teleskiguy

I'm polar opposite. A picture to demonstrate:

Image: huckinmeat.jpg

One of my last laps this season...Lower 40 Face, Alpine Meadows

Image: 522345_10150772819928024_669978023_226981122_519874175_n.jpg

108 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:38:32pm

re: #107 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

One of my last laps this season...Lower 40 Face, Alpine Meadows

Image: 522345_10150772819928024_669978023_226981122_519874175_n.jpg

See if I can't make that bigger.
Image: 522345_10150772819928024_669978023_226981122_519874175_n.jpg

109 darthstar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:42:52pm

re: #105 Dark_Falcon

Andrew Breitbart Tweeted many people, far more than your average internet big shot. His eternal willingness to directly engage his detractors (even if only to spew abuse) was one of his distinctive traits. Whatever else he was, Andrew Breitbart was not the man to snipe and then hide.

Yeah, he was a fuckin' role model.

110 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:43:08pm

re: #106 jamesfirecat

Wolfling pride, say it loud, say it proud!

Insolent Earthclanners.

111 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:44:40pm

re: #105 Dark_Falcon

Andrew Breitbart Tweeted many people, far more than your average internet big shot. His eternal willingness to directly engage his detractors (even if only to spew abuse) was one of his distinctive traits. Whatever else he was, Andrew Breitbart was not the man to snipe and then hide.

Oh, bullshit. Andrew Breitbart was one of the biggest cowards and bullies I've ever met. He hid behind his 50,000 followers and never hesitated to call them out to attack his targets. There was nothing admirable about this at all.

112 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:49:35pm

re: #106 jamesfirecat

For all the Sega fans out there, Brin wrote the plot for the last Ecco game. Dolphins!

113 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:50:18pm

re: #109 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Yeah, he was a fuckin' role model.

I never said that. He was a cast-iron asshole of the highest order who would never admit he was wrong no matter how great the evidence against him. No role model he.

114 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:50:35pm

re: #107 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

Yes! Skiing is fun!

But...what a winter. Freaking no snow (I heard Tahoe got zero inches in the month of December, we had similar totals here in CO, we had a 6 week dry spell), best backcountry skiers ever getting killed in avalanches (Jamie Pierre, Steve Romeo, randosteve really broke my heart, I've been reading [Link:] for years, and now dude's gone), I found myself traveling way too much for Da Pow this season. Though it was expensive, I skied a lot of areas that I had never skied before this winter (Little Cottonwood Canyon, Taos, a little area called Powderhorn outside of Grand Junction, CO) ... AND I skied Steamboat on Feb. 21, after they got 43 inches in two days! My buddy filmed this on the 20th:

So, yeah, snow sucked, but I also had some of the best powder days. Weird, huh?
115 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:53:30pm

re: #106 jamesfirecat

Wolfling pride, say it loud, say it proud!

I got your 'wolfling pride' right here, you miserable surat. Eat particle cannon fire and die!

/Hostile Jade Falcon banter. We hate Clan Wolf.

116 jamesfirecat  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:55:21pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

I got your 'wolfling pride' right here, you miserable surat. Eat particle cannon fire and die!

/Hostile Jade Falcon banter. We hate Clan Wolf.

Wrong Sci-Fi universe Dark.

"Wolfing" is a term from the Uplift Series by David Brin for a species that was abandoned by the race that uplifted them. Humanity fits that bill since the only other alternative is we became sentient without outside help an idea the rest of the known universe deems "far too silly" to say the least.

117 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:55:43pm

re: #112 Be Zorch, Daddio

For all the Sega fans out there, Brin wrote the plot for the last Ecco game. Dolphins!

I still like "The Practice Effect".

And hey, he has posted some of his short stories online.

This was one of my favorites, Thor Meets Captain America

118 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:56:03pm

re: #116 jamesfirecat

Wrong Sci-Fi universe Dark.

"Wolfing" is a term from the Uplift Series by David Brin for a species that was abandoned by the race that uplifted them. Humanity fits that bill since the only other alternative is we became sentient without outside help an idea the rest of the known universe deams "far too silly" to say the least.

I know, but I wanted to have some fun.

119 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:56:37pm

re: #116 jamesfirecat

Wrong Sci-Fi universe Dark.

"Wolfing" is a term from the Uplift Series by David Brin for a species that was abandoned by the race that uplifted them. Humanity fits that bill since the only other alternative is we became sentient without outside help an idea the rest of the known universe deems "far too silly" to say the least.

5 whole galaxies full of Creationists.

120 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 7:57:21pm

re: #114 teleskiguy

Yes! Skiing is fun!

But...what a winter. Freaking no snow (I heard Tahoe got zero inches in the month of December, we had similar totals here in CO, we had a 6 week dry spell), best backcountry skiers ever getting killed in avalanches (Jamie Pierre, Steve Romeo, randosteve really broke my heart, I've been reading [Link:] for years, and now dude's gone), I found myself traveling way too much for Da Pow this season. Though it was expensive, I skied a lot of areas that I had never skied before this winter (Little Cottonwood Canyon, Taos, a little area called Powderhorn outside of Grand Junction, CO) ... AND I skied Steamboat on Feb. 21, after they got 43 inches in two days! My buddy filmed this on the 20th:

[Embedded content]
So, yeah, snow sucked, but I also had some of the best powder days. Weird, huh?

Nice video. I had to give up back country skiing when my buddies got married and had kids. It's not a safe hobby to go alone and I can't afford lift tickets for resort areas. Maybe next year.

121 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:03:59pm

re: #120 Killgore Trout

Nice video. I had to give up back country skiing when my buddies got married and had kids. It's not a safe hobby to go alone and I can't afford lift tickets for resort areas. Maybe next year.

It's all relative I suppose. I went alone a few times this year, I skied a lot of "green runs" in the back country because the snowpack was just too sketch this year. I never skied a pitch that was more than 25 degrees in the back country this winter.

If I had been hurt or whatever, I would have been screwed. But I took the risk anyways. What us skiers will do for some powder. It's pretty insane, actually.

122 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:04:47pm

re: #119 Kragar

5 whole galaxies full of Creationists.

Probably Star Adders. Those guys have become as obsessed with "Avoiding Taint" as any wingnut.

123 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:06:04pm

The coolest thing about back country skiing is the sound, There is none. The trees and snow absorb all sound and the only thing you hear is you're breath and the pulse of the blood pumping through your ears. I highly recommend the experience.

124 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:11:44pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

The coolest thing about back country skiing is the sound, There is none. The trees and snow absorb all sound and the only thing you hear is you're breath and the pulse of the blood pumping through your ears. I highly recommend the experience.

So true! The most quiet environment I've ever been in is back country skiing. Ethereal.

Sometimes you hear varmints. One time I skied over a grouse, flapped its wings all crazy-like, scared the shit out of me! One time I was in Hogan Park (Steamboat) and I ambled upon this family of deer. There was a doe, a buck, and three fawns. They just stared at me. I waved and kept going.

Yes, I highly recommend the experience as well! :)

125 palomino  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:16:21pm

Dana Loesch is apparently one of those people who moved from the Left to the Right after 9/11. Not just on foreign policy matters, which might makes sense. Instead, her ideology changed in toto, from liberal to FAR right wing conservatism on pretty much every issue.

She's the product of reductive thinking that can only deal in the simplicity of extremes and full-scale, knee-jerk opposition to everything done or said by the other side. She's a hysterical paranoiac. But at least the pay's good.

126 prairiefire  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:24:04pm

re: #108 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

See if I can't make that bigger.
Image: 522345_10150772819928024_669978023_226981122_519874175_n.jpg

Watch out for the bare spots!

127 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:26:00pm

Hey all!

Big-eared cuteness!

What is going on?

128 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:27:05pm

re: #125 palomino

Dana Loesch is apparently one of those people who moved from the Left to the Right after 9/11. Not just on foreign policy matters, which might makes sense. Instead, her ideology changed in toto, from liberal to FAR right wing conservatism on pretty much every issue.

She's the product of reductive thinking that can only deal in the simplicity of extremes and full-scale, knee-jerk opposition to everything done or said by the other side. She's a hysterical paranoiac. But at least the pay's good.

Well, after 9/11, there were many business opportunities for right wing wackos with a fetish for hunting brown people

129 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:27:16pm

re: #118 Dark_Falcon

I know, but I wanted to have some fun.

I've not yet read anything by David Brin.

What is recommended as the first?

130 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:28:31pm

re: #121 teleskiguy

It's all relative I suppose. I went alone a few times this year, I skied a lot of "green runs" in the back country because the snowpack was just too sketch this year. I never skied a pitch that was more than 25 degrees in the back country this winter.

If I had been hurt or whatever, I would have been screwed. But I took the risk anyways. What us skiers will do for some powder. It's pretty insane, actually.

I went alone a few times but it just scares the fuck out of me. If you break a binding or twist an ankle a mile from your car near dark you are fucked. One of the last times I skied was at a lift area a few years ago. I was on the easy slopes under the lifts and trying (lamely) to practice graceful teli turns. On occasion I would over turn and wind up backwards. Arms flailing with many hoots, hollers and laughs from people on the lifts above. By mid morning I decided to teach myself to ski backwards with many jeers from people in the lift. By afternoon I noticed others trying it too. I still laugh to think of packing my shit in the car in the evening and looking up to the slopes to see almost everybody trying (and failing) to ski backwards. Perhaps my greatest achievement.

131 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:29:07pm

re: #125 palomino

Dana Loesch is apparently one of those people who moved from the Left to the Right after 9/11. Not just on foreign policy matters, which might makes sense. Instead, her ideology changed in toto, from liberal to FAR right wing conservatism on pretty much every issue.

She's the product of reductive thinking that can only deal in the simplicity of extremes and full-scale, knee-jerk opposition to everything done or said by the other side. She's a hysterical paranoiac. But at least the pay's good.

Given your nic is the name of a horse, Dana will likely use this post to ask if you are part of Charles' 'pony war'. Then all of her followers will giggle at the lame pun, while we roll our eyes. She'll do this because she's not only nasty, she's also predictable for the most part.

I say 'for the most part' because the way she turned around a Don Henley reference I made last week was unexpectedly good. That says to me she could actually be much more witty if she'd just spend less time throwing meat to wingnuts.

132 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:30:18pm

re: #96 Gus

ahaha your link to the athiest twitter whatever, it contains a reference to the twitter user cool_pond, who is funny as all hell

133 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:31:06pm

re: #129 ggt

I've not yet read anything by David Brin.

What is recommended as the first?

Ask James, he'll know. I haven't read Brin's books either.

134 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:32:58pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

I got your 'wolfling pride' right here, you miserable surat. Eat particle cannon fire and die!

/Hostile Jade Falcon banter. We hate Clan Wolf.

That thing looks like one of Killgore's frogs after going full metal millitant.

They blow up the city and then graffiti "Kermit was here" on the rubble.

135 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:32:59pm

re: #129 ggt

I've not yet read anything by David Brin.

What is recommended as the first?

Practice Effect is pretty good, sort of short.

For the Uplift series, either "Startide Rising" or "Sun Diver"

136 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:36:22pm

re: #129 ggt

I've not yet read anything by David Brin.

What is recommended as the first?

Uplift Trilogy #1
Uplift Trilogy #2
The Postman.

But definitely Earth should be first.

137 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:38:31pm

re: #130 Killgore Trout

I went alone a few times but it just scares the fuck out of me. If you break a binding or twist an ankle a mile from your car near dark you are fucked. One of the last times I skied was at a lift area a few years ago. I was on the easy slopes under the lifts and trying (lamely) to practice graceful teli turns. On occasion I would over turn and wind up backwards. Arms flailing with many hoots, hollers and laughs from people on the lifts above. By mid morning I decided to teach myself to ski backwards with many jeers from people in the lift. By afternoon I noticed others trying it too. I still laugh to think of packing my shit in the car in the evening and looking up to the slopes to see almost everybody trying (and failing) to ski backwards. Perhaps my greatest achievement.

I know the feeling. I broke the toe-piece on my G3 binding in the Crested Butte backcountry, about a mile and a half from the vehicle. Fortunately, I was able to stick my duckbill toe in the housing, and just "Nor-pine" the rest of the way.

After that happened, I bought these bindings.

Image: bombertele.jpg

6 seasons later and they're still 100% functional. Unfortunately, the manufacturer ceased production a few years ago, as he was not making enough money selling them to justify the expense. Still, best telemark bindings ever made! And the manufacturer still refurbishes them when needed.

Oh, and I've got a knack for backwards (switch) tele skiing, I've linked more than a few turns on the mens downhill course in Beaver Creek. :-D

138 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:43:09pm

re: #134 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

That thing looks like one of Killgore's frogs after going full metal millitant.

They blow up the city and then graffiti "Kermit was here" on the rubble.

It's called a "Warhawk" and weighs 85 metric tons. This particular configuration carries 4 Extended Range Particle Projector Cannons as its main armament. It indeed can level a city block in a couple of minutes.

139 palomino  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:44:10pm

re: #131 Dark_Falcon

Given your nic is the name of a horse, Dana will likely use this post to ask if you are part of Charles' 'pony war'. Then all of her followers will giggle at the lame pun, while we roll our eyes. She'll do this because she's not only nasty, she's also predictable for the most part.

I say 'for the most part' because the way she turned around a Don Henley reference I made last week was unexpectedly good. That says to me she could actually be much more witty if she'd just spend less time throwing meat to wingnuts.

The whole ponytail thing is absurd. Millions of men in all walks of life have ponytails, especially men in creative professions like, uh, music. And doesn't the right's hero du jour Ted Nugent sport a ponytail?

140 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:44:25pm

New The Dark Knight Rises trailer:

Epic, flawless, etc. WOW. I can't wait to see this.

141 Artist  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:45:58pm

re: #139 palomino

The whole ponytail thing is absurd. Millions of men in all walks of life have ponytails, especially men in creative professions like, uh, music. And doesn't the right's hero du jour Ted Nugent sport a ponytail?

Hell, I wear a ponytail!

142 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:49:58pm

re: #138 Dark_Falcon

It's called a "Warhawk" and weighs 85 metric tons. This particular configuration carries 4 Extended Range Particle Projector Cannons as its main armament. It indeed can level a city block in a couple of minutes.

Needs more daemonic possession

Image: creaver.jpg

143 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:51:06pm

Dana Loesch makes Andrew Breitbart look good.

144 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:51:44pm

The lack of any evidence at all, is all the proof I need. It just goes to show how far they will go to conceal the truth.. /

145 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:52:32pm

re: #139 palomino

The whole ponytail thing is absurd. Millions of men in all walks of life have ponytails, especially men in creative professions like, uh, music. And doesn't the right's hero du jour Ted Nugent sport a ponytail?

Yeah especially coming from someone who looks like Morticia Adams but has the brain of Uncle Fester.

146 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:52:49pm

re: #144 Mich-again

The lack of any evidence at all, is all the proof I need. It just goes to show how far they will go to conceal the truth.. /

The lack of evidence is the evidence!

147 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:54:52pm

And even though the Shadow Hawk has long been a Battletech unit, its is also now the name of Vanguard Defense Industries latest UAS.

Tomorrow's "Occupy" nonsense may see deployment of the drone's new Mk 4.5, which uses brain-mapping from our own Killgore Trout and is expressly designed to disperse 'Occupy' Crowds. It carries a multi-shot 37mm grenade launcher, loaded with a variety of non-lethal rounds. Each variety has its own Killgore taunt, delivered over the units loudspeaker as the rounds is fired. I've obtained the list of taunts, check it out:

Bean Bag Round: "No more rapey-stabby for you today!"
OC Capsium (pepper spray round): "Have some peppers from my garden!"
'Screamer' (sonic round): "Enjoy these amplified calls from my frogs, you slugs!"
Door busting water round (fired from a safer distance as a short duration water cannon): "Take a shower, hippies!"

So, did I capture the Killgore taunts right?

148 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:55:59pm

re: #142 Kragar

Needs more daemonic possession

Image: creaver.jpg

Eh, rotary autocannon. I hate those things, as they always jam on me.

149 palomino  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:56:46pm

re: #141 Sonic the Hedgehog

Hell, I wear a ponytail!

Well then, you must be a dangerous unhinged radical.

Seriously, my dermatologist has a ponytail. So does a 58-year old friend who works in a can factory. Ponytail jokes are like making fun of a guy who wears an earring. It's an insult from the 60s, 70s, even 80s that most people, other than old church ladies and vindictive right wingers, gave up on long ago. Then again, this gop crowd isn't big on modernity.

150 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 8:59:22pm

re: #148 Dark_Falcon

Eh, rotary autocannon. I hate those things, as they always jam on me.

Gatling Blaster, works off charged plasma, with the rotary system used for the cooling cycle.

151 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:00:07pm

re: #135 Kragar

Practice Effect is pretty good, sort of short.

For the Uplift series, either "Startide Rising" or "Sun Diver"

much thanks!

152 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:02:19pm

re: #136 William Barnett-Lewis

Uplift Trilogy #1
Uplift Trilogy #2
The Postman.

But definitely Earth should be first.

Much thanks!

153 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:02:27pm

re: #150 Kragar

Gatling Blaster, works off charged plasma, with the rotary system used for the cooling cycle.

I reject your reality and replace it with my own! So there! [DF sticks his tongue out at Kragar]

154 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:03:23pm

Un-freaking believable.

155 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:05:34pm

New Dark Knight trailer out.

156 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:05:45pm

re: #153 Dark_Falcon

I reject your reality and replace it with my own! So there! [DF sticks his tongue out at Kragar]

Fine, have your machine guns.

Image: vmegabolt.jpg

157 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:08:55pm

re: #139 palomino

The whole ponytail thing is absurd. Millions of men in all walks of life have ponytails, especially men in creative professions like, uh, music. And doesn't the right's hero du jour Ted Nugent sport a ponytail?

some people just never got out of the playground, I feel sorry for their kids. Kids raising kids!

158 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:09:45pm

re: #156 Kragar

Fine, have your machine guns.

Image: vmegabolt.jpg

Thank you. I'll replace all 12 with 6 Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifles. Just as damaging to hard targets and triple the range. Magnetic Accelerators are beautiful things, they really are.

159 Kragar  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:12:56pm

re: #158 Dark_Falcon

Thank you. I'll replace all 12 with 6 Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifles. Just as damaging to hard targets and triple the range. Magnetic Accelerators are beautiful things, they really are.

When in doubt, just use super heavies.

Image: MachVulcanDflt.jpg

160 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:13:26pm

Jeezum Crow! It is just a shit show on Twitter tonight in re: @Lizardoid @DLoesch. Idiocy on a grand scale with these people. I don't know how Charles balances running LGF (which I'm sure you all know he writes the code for everything you see on the screen, unlike most [all?] of these right-wing bloggers who just use wordpress or whatever) and dealing with the bullshit that goes down on Twitter. Tonight especially, it's pure idiocy.

Kudos to Charles Johnson for being the savvy computer guy that he is, doing this strange balancing act.

161 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:20:30pm


WUB, hey to you and Windy for me. He's cool?

162 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:33:49pm

I haven't seen a wingnut pile-on like this since Andrew Breitbart used to call out his flying monkeys. They're going insane.

I guess we'll find out soon if Twitter suspends accounts because of 'block/report', because I'm quite sure they're getting hundreds of them for me tonight.

163 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:36:01pm

re: #161 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

WUB, hey to you and Windy for me. He's cool?

He's doin' just fine, he is rocking a new gaming rig ^_^

164 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:36:17pm

re: #162 Charles Johnson

Have at it Charles!

165 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:37:05pm

Speaking of massive rightwing fails, Biologos has been hosting articles by those who oppose their mission, I guess in an attempt to portray themselves as ultimately fair and furthermore, in as much as those protesting Biologos are self-declared Christians, being brotherly in a church-y sort of way.

Today they have up the first part of an entry by none other than Dembski:

Southern Baptist Voices: Is Darwinism Theologically Neutral?

There is much there that is just... well, wrong.

For example, this:

We are now in a position to clarify our original question: Darwinism, let us agree, is theologically neutral if claims (D1)-(D4) in no way undercut claims (C1)-(C4), and Darwinism fails to be theologically neutral to the degree that (D1)-(D4) do undercut (C1)-(C4). [...]

Besides the obnoxious use of too many abbreviations of propositions (I suppose Dembski is trying to logician-y), that statement is just myopic. Very myopic. In other words, Dembski has implicitly defined "theologically" to mean precisely this: "Orthodox Christian like", which totally ignores the universe of other religious beliefs, including even other theistic beliefs.

This extreme myopia is nothing other than extreme vanity - the world can only ever be as he (Dembski) can imagine it to be, in this case a fundamentalist Christian universe.

Personally I think Biologos are wasting their time in giving space to their religious opposition, the lot of which think Biologos is the work of the devil.

166 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:38:23pm


Say hi for me! (san diego road trip)

167 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:40:48pm

Is the Darwin/Creationism bruhaha all about not being able to pray in schools?

Is this really that big a deal to people?

168 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:41:47pm

FSM, my head hurts,

make it stop!

169 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:42:00pm


I followed a link on Twitter that went to a search for "Charles Icarus Johnson" in YouTube.

I knew that Charles was an accomplished guitarist, that he personally knew George Duke and Frank Zappa. But I never heard him play. Until now.

Thanks Twitter! And the stuff I've heard is exceedingly groovy.

And I gotta ask. Charles, Icarus? Flying too close to the sun now?

170 Kronocide  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:42:04pm

re: #15 Charles Johnson

I've added at least 50 names to Tweetdeck's global filter today. I'm being totally swarmed with right wing hatred.

All because you pointed out the obvious truth.

171 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:43:18pm

re: #167 ggt

Is the Darwin/Creationism bruhaha all about not being able to pray in schools?


172 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:45:17pm

re: #149 palomino

Well then, you must be a dangerous unhinged radical.

Seriously, my dermatologist has a ponytail. So does a 58-year old friend who works in a can factory. Ponytail jokes are like making fun of a guy who wears an earring. It's an insult from the 60s, 70s, even 80s that most people, other than old church ladies and vindictive right wingers, gave up on long ago. Then again, this gop crowd isn't big on modernity.

Well Rush guessed the age of his audience about right today

173 Kronocide  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:48:03pm

OMG Charles, this is classic Dim Hoft.

Obama's new slogan is Forward.

Barack Obama’s latest campaign slogan “Forward!” also happens to be a Nazi marching tune.
Vorwärts! Vorwärts!

174 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:48:10pm

Good night good people.

175 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:49:14pm

re: #173 Kronocide

The Detroit Lions fight song is "Forward Down the Field.."

176 Kronocide  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:52:03pm

Obama's slogan Forward


a Nazi marching tune Forward Forward

OMG, he really is that dumb.

177 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:53:21pm



179 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:56:51pm

re: #178 Charles Johnson

Between you controlling Twitter and KT planting all the racist comments on thousands of rightwing site, I'd say your plan to conquer the internet is just about complete.

180 bratwurst  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:57:17pm

re: #176 Kronocide

Obama's slogan Forward


a Nazi marching tune Forward Forward

OMG, he really is that dumb.

The Forward also happens to be the name of a venerable Jewish leftist newspaper...thereby reenforcing Obama's image as both a nazi AND a socialist!

181 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 9:59:26pm

re: #180 bratwurst

Image: Forward_roosevelt.jpg

Look at that shifty Nazi grin

182 Kronocide  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:00:29pm

What position is played in soccer and basketball?


183 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:05:16pm

re: #182 Kronocide

What position is played in soccer and basketball?




Morons. ;)

184 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:06:00pm

Reflecting back on Dembski's little essay at Biologos, it occurs to me that it is full of deception and half-truths. It truly is Lyin' for Jesus.

And, I bet Darrel Falk (head of Biologos) won't call Dembski on it.

Dembski wrongly portrays both Christianity (incredible as that may sound) and "Darwinism" (ugh.)

185 Kronocide  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:06:05pm

re: #178 Charles Johnson

Little Green Footballs Blogger Orchestrating Twitter Spam Attack to Shut Down Conservative Accounts « Pat Dollard

So Dollard tacitly admits that conservatives are harassing you?

186 gwangung  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:06:11pm

re: #182 Kronocide

What position is played in soccer and basketball?


Soccer is played by them there furriner surrender monkeys.

And basketball is a game played by them there ni--CLANG!


187 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:06:31pm

re: #178 Charles Johnson

Little Green Footballs Blogger Orchestrating Twitter Spam Attack to Shut Down Conservative Accounts « Pat Dollard

Right wingers are idiots. This will have to be addressed eventually. This cannot stand.

188 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:07:00pm

Really, Charles, you should be careful.

You are in danger of being relevant.

189 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:07:34pm
190 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:10:00pm

WTF. Just...WTF.

Woman saves child from sacrifice in cemetery

A young woman whose "motherly instincts kicked in" stopped a man who was slashing his son with a sharp object Saturday during a wild assault at Mount Hope Cemetery in San Diego.

Police said that Joseph Ramirez, 30, of San Diego took three of his children to the cemetery on Market Street just before 4:30 p.m. and starting slicing the forearms of his 8-year-old son. Ramirez reportedly had been hearing the voice of his dead grandmother in his head.

191 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:11:04pm

Thinking "forward" is a common human ideal. God these right wingers are idiots.

192 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:11:23pm

re: #190 Lidane

WTF. Just...WTF.

Woman saves child from sacrifice in cemetery

This is why I could never be a soldier or a aid worker or missionary. I'd end-up in jail or dead.

193 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:11:32pm

Forward! March!


194 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:12:27pm

re: #190 Lidane

WTF. Just...WTF.

Woman saves child from sacrifice in cemetery

What do you mean "What?"

People have been going nuts and doing awful stuff from the beginning of time.

Doesn't make it right. Just make

195 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:12:37pm

the Path Forward is what to do next..

196 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:12:38pm

I love how the National Review makes Germany's SDP sound like some shifty reds when they were the only party to stand up against the Nazis and the Communists. Yeah, really, something to be ashamed of there.

197 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:13:41pm

re: #194 Mostly sane, most of the time.

What do you mean "What?"

People have been going nuts and doing awful stuff from the beginning of time.

Doesn't make it right. Just make

because hurting children is beyond insane --it goes against all of our instincts and for a parent to do it to a child is twisted beyond pretzel.

198 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:14:31pm
199 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:14:58pm

re: #197 ggt

because hurting children is beyond insane --it goes against all of our instincts and for a parent to do it to a child is twisted beyond pretzel.

Well, yes, it does make us angry, it does make us gape, but it's not new.

Guy was clearly nuts and needs help.

200 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:15:37pm

Of course, my dead grandmother was a social worker, so she would have been in my head telling me to stop things.

201 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:15:39pm

re: #199 Mostly sane, most of the time.

Well, yes, it does make us angry, it does make us gape, but it's not new.

Guy was clearly nuts and needs help.

WTF is an appropriate response.

It doesn't just make me angry, or make me gape --it makes me see RED.

202 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:16:52pm

I pissed off ol' Dark Falcon. Yeah. You're right. These are Democrats and liberals obviously.

203 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:17:40pm

Just saw on Twitter how a group of 100 dressed in black walked through streets of San Francisco creating havoc. Must be disgruntled lizards huh?

204 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:18:37pm

re: #191 Gus

Thinking "forward" is a common human ideal. God these right wingers are idiots.

Thinking forward = finding ways to progress.

These people HATE progress. They're still hoping to turn back the entire 20th Century. Adapting to the 21st Century and embracing forward motion and progress is just anathema to them.

205 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:19:21pm

re: #196 Be Zorch, Daddio

I love how the National Review makes Germany's SDP sound like some shifty reds when they were the only party to stand up against the Nazis and the Communists. Yeah, really, something to be ashamed of there.

Their sort of Euro-socialism has led to disaster in Europe. 'Shifty' seems the least that one could call them.

Good night.

206 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:19:22pm

re: #204 Lidane

Thinking forward = finding ways to progress.

These people HATE progress. They're still hoping to turn back the entire 20th Century. Adapting to the 21st Century and embracing forward motion and progress is just anathema to them.

Whatever you do, don't call them right wingers. We haven't figured out what these assholes are as of yet.


207 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:19:34pm

re: #204 Lidane

Thinking forward = finding ways to progress.

These people HATE progress. They're still hoping to turn back the entire 20th Century. Adapting to the 21st Century and embracing forward motion and progress is just anathema to them.

The world is moving forward too fast for them, not their plan, not in their control.

And, therefore, not part of G-d's plan.


208 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:20:08pm

re: #205 Dark_Falcon

Their sort of Euro-socialism has led to disaster in Europe. 'Shifty' seems the least that one could call them.

Good night.

Socialists! OMG! Run away!

209 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:21:51pm


210 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:22:16pm

re: #206 Gus

Whatever you do, don't call them right wingers. We haven't figured out what these assholes are as of yet.


True, labels are upsetting to those who still consider themselves right-wingers but haven't accepted the new definiations and connotations.

Call the Whackos what they are --Whackos.

I learned this a while back on LGF with the word Fundamentalist. Upset a lot of (now mostly former Lizards) who considered themselves Fundamentalist, but were really normal people who wanted to life the basics of faith by a sane interpretation of the Bible.

concepts are not arbitrary, words are.

So labels change meaning, but not everyone is on the same page at the same time.

211 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:23:02pm

re: #210 ggt

True, labels are upsetting to those who still consider themselves right-wingers but haven't accepted the new definiations and connotations.

Call the Whackos what they are --Whackos.

I learned this a while back on LGF with the word Fundamentalist. Upset a lot of (now mostly former Lizards) who considered themselves Fundamentalist, but were really normal people who wanted to life the basics of faith by a sane interpretation of the Bible.

concepts are not arbitrary, words are.

So labels change meaning, but not everyone is on the same page at the same time.

Bologna. These people are RIGHT WINGERS.

212 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:24:10pm


I just got to plan "loon" on Words with Friends and Strangers --for a triple!

213 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:24:30pm

Don't give me this no true Scotsman crap. I'm right there next to Charles on Twitter facing off with these asshole. There's no fucking nuance. They're right-wing conservatives. Most of them are from the south and Christians.

214 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:24:35pm

re: #211 Gus

Bologna. These people are RIGHT WINGERS.

Gus, can you at least say Very Far Right Wingers.

215 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:25:15pm

re: #214 ggt

Gus, can you at least say Very Far Right Wingers.

No they are not. They're not very far right. They're mainstream right wing assholes.

216 Lidane  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:25:56pm

re: #207 ggt

The world is moving forward too fast for them, not their plan, not in their control.

And, therefore, not part of G-d's plan.


That's actually very true. The last 20 years have brought tremendous change, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then came the internet (and specifically, browsers such as Netscape and AOL) which completely changed the way that we communicate with each other and the way that literally everything is done these days.

In a very real sense, the world that existed when Reagan was POTUS is gone and it will never return. We've simply moved too far, too fast. They can't handle it because all their assumptions and the rules they used to live by no longer apply. And now, in what they see as the ultimate insult, we've got a black man with an African name as President. They just can't accept it or adapt at all.

217 teleskiguy  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:26:02pm

OK. I've had enough. G'nite Lizards. Make sure to bask on a hot rock to keep that body temperature up.

218 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:26:22pm

Very far right to me implies a Nazi. I don't consider those assholes from Breitbart Nazis.

219 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:26:48pm

re: #215 Gus

No they are not. They're not very far right. They're mainstream right wing assholes.

Oh wait, you are referring to a specific set of people. Sorry, I mis-interpreted and thought you were painting a whole population of people.

Semantics is an issue with me. I think it is causing more mis-communication and harm that we realize.

220 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:27:28pm

re: #219 ggt

Oh wait, you are referring to a specific set of people. Sorry, I mis-interpreted and thought you were painting a whole population of people.

Semantics is an issue with me. I think it is causing more mis-communication and harm that we realize.

Ah. OK. Sorry then. I am being specific.

221 palomino  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:30:21pm

re: #205 Dark_Falcon

Their sort of Euro-socialism has led to disaster in Europe. 'Shifty' seems the least that one could call them.

Good night.

Yeah, Europe is a disaster due to its higher level of socialism. Just look at all the havoc their societies endure compared to us: longer life expectancies, lower infant mortality, less violent crime, lower drug addiction rates, more respect for women's rights, and in some countries higher levels of social class mobility.

Pretty arrogant for us to think we've got it all figured out and couldn't learn anthing from Europe.

222 dragonath  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:32:07pm

Hey, there's a lot of shifty people on this site!

223 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:32:23pm

I don't think a lot of people realize the kind of crap Charles had to go through here. If I were him I'd be livid. This is pure 100 percent unadulterated bullshit. Complete lies and utter fabrications. That lowlife Dana Loesch is even trying to implicate Curious Lurker. Others me but not as much. They're all a bunch of liars. And it's only a hand full of people on Twitter coming to Charles's defense. It's insane but they're getting away with it for now.

224 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:33:51pm

re: #216 Lidane

That's actually very true. The last 20 years have brought tremendous change, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then came the internet (and specifically, browsers such as Netscape and AOL) which completely changed the way that we communicate with each other and the way that literally everything is done these days.

In a very real sense, the world that existed when Reagan was POTUS is gone and it will never return. We've simply moved too far, too fast. They can't handle it because all their assumptions and the rules they used to live by no longer apply. And now, in what they see as the ultimate insult, we've got a black man with an African name as President. They just can't accept it or adapt at all.

I have a list, which I saved to my favorites and can never find when I need it.

Things most people never dreamed of happening, much less in their lifetimes:

1-We lost Pluto
2-The earth shifted on it's axis with the Tsunami or Chilean Earthquake (I can never remember which)
3-We lost a few nano-seconds from our day due to above extreme weather
4-We now have like 7B people on the Planet.
5-Instant Global Communication and Financial Transactions
6-No more LONG DISTANCE phone calls.
9-Black Man in the White House
11-openly LGBT individuals
12-Lady Gaga
13-The Internet

It's enough to make anyone a bit nostalgic for a mythical Utopian past. Not so much any one of these things (except the Spock bit) but ALL OF THEM together in such a short amount of time.

225 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:38:09pm

re: #223 Gus

Thanks, Gus. I really appreciate your support in this.

226 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:40:23pm

There's still a firehose of hatred coming at me on Twitter. Loesch has called out the flying monkeys, with help from Pat Dullard and other right wing cretins.

227 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:41:02pm

re: #224 ggt

Okay, you totally lost me with Lady Gaga...

228 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:42:25pm

re: #227 Assemble!

Okay, you totally lost me with Lady Gaga...

There are those who say the World isn't ready . . .

229 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:43:27pm

re: #225 Charles Johnson

Thanks, Gus. I really appreciate your support in this.

You're welcome and my pleasure. I've never seen such outright lies in distortions upfront like this. And as you know how I can get I'm still remaining very calm about this even though I'm really pissed off to high heaven. It's disgusting. I'm almost ashamed to be of the same species as these miscreants. You even saw how I tried communicating with these punks and they ignored me. They're the penultimate in the unethical or immoral. They are in the end like common criminals.

230 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:45:30pm

re: #228 ggt

There are those who say the World isn't ready . . .

For... what? Is she really from another planet?

231 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:46:55pm

re: #230 Assemble!

For... what? Is she really from another planet?

Hey, I don't get it, I think she is wonderful. But she is more than a lot of people seem to be able to handle.

232 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:51:38pm

Seeing double. LVQ?

233 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:52:25pm


234 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:52:34pm

Been hella busy

235 Mocking Jay  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:54:17pm

It lives!!!

236 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:54:42pm

re: #232 Gus

I started a new research gig back in the summer...that involved a fair amount of travel I should add...This is really the first chance I have had to post.

237 freetoken  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:56:23pm

re: #190 Lidane

WTF. Just...WTF.

Woman saves child from sacrifice in cemetery

Did you see my posting on this a couple of nights ago? The most disturbing thing about it is that when Murdoch's NY Post ran the story the racists came out immediately:


238 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:57:36pm

re: #236 LudwigVanQuixote

I started a new research gig back in the summer. This is really the first chance I have had to post.

Word. Crazy shit going down today. Thought I'd never see you again.

239 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:58:22pm

re: #238 Gus

Word. Crazy shit going down today. Thought I'd never see you again.

Well it's good to be here. What crazy shit has gone down... other than the usual political circus?

240 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 10:59:44pm

re: #239 LudwigVanQuixote

Well it's good to be here. What crazy shit has gone down... other than the usual political circus?

Long story. It involves Twitter and a bunch of paranoid schizophrenic right wingers.

241 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 11:01:21pm

re: #225 Charles Johnson

Thanks, Gus. I really appreciate your support in this.

OK catching up...

Charles, this sucks. I'm sorry you have a deluge of cranks. I don't have a twitter account and never have. But you have my moral support.

242 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 11:02:14pm

re: #240 Gus

Long story. It involves Twitter and a bunch of paranoid schizophrenic right wingers.

Yeah, I was just catching up.

For the record though, are there any right-wingers these days who aren't some form of paranoid schizo?

243 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 11:03:50pm

re: #242 LudwigVanQuixote

Yeah, I was just catching up.

For the record though, are there any right-wingers these days who aren't some form of paranoid schizo?

None that I can think of. Right wingers are a lost species. Hopefully they'll go extinct soon. Either that or I'm thinking about promoting a secessionist movement so we can shed the Confederate states from the Union once and for all.

244 Gus  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 11:06:17pm
245 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Apr 30, 2012 11:30:48pm

have a great evening/morning all!

246 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Tue, May 1, 2012 12:18:40am

re: #205 Dark_Falcon

Their sort of Euro-socialism has led to disaster in Europe. 'Shifty' seems the least that one could call them.

Good night.

Right, because the SPD has been in power in Germany ever since 1945. And their "socialism" was the most socialistic socialism of all of Europe! Oh, and the global financial crisis was triggered by Europe/Germany, not the fraudulent banking and housing markets in the US.

So yeah, screw their standing up to the Nazis and Commies!

You live in an anti-communist la-la-land, DF.

247 wheat-dogg  Tue, May 1, 2012 2:30:43am

I had a spare moment and read through @rhains exchanges with @dloesch. Classic example of the straw man fallacy. At no time did Hains say birth control was just like cancer. She was citing examples of health issues that are or could be covered by health insurance. She mentioned Viagra along with cancer treatments, but Loesch seized only the cancer example to accuse Hains of equating contraception to cancer, and then attacked that straw man position with a vengeance. Then, when Hains tried to pull the exchange back to the original point, Loesch pointedly ignored her, preferring to attack the straw man instead of discuss Hains' actual point.

Loesch is still harping on the birth control/cancer manufactroversy with her loyal followers, I suppose to brag that she won the exchange. Another empty hat on the RW.

248 darthstar  Tue, May 1, 2012 7:27:08am

re: #114 teleskiguy

Nice face shots!

249 Swampwitch  Tue, May 1, 2012 8:46:01am

The small shop that employed me for the last thirteen years went out of business in December. It's been surprisingly hard for a 51 year old woman in a small NW Iowa town to find a job...any job. I'm at that magical age...too old to work at The GAP, too young for Walmart greeter.

Now, where do I apply for one of these rightie paid troll jobs? I can type with my knuckles, achieve a heightened level of drooling ignorance and moral superiority with enough Coors and Oxy, and have a list of at least 40 different ways to misspell "bible", "Muslim", and "Obama".
Do I apply at, or go directly to World Nut Daily and Stormfront?

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