The House GOP Looks To Gut Antiquities Act

Undermining purpose and protections of national parks
Environment • Views: 20,143

Just a day after the House voted largely along party lines to gut the Antiquities Act (222-201, with all but 10 Republicans approving and 3 Democrats crossing over to approve), a Texas Republican is looking at gutting the whole purpose of national parks by opening up the parks to oil and gas drilling.

The Antiquities Act is the law that allows the President to designate lands for protection as a national monument or national park. It’s been used by 16 presidents since Teddy Roosevelt established the first national parks more than 100 years ago.

Double Arch at Arches National Park outside Moab, Utah © 2014 lawhawk

The Republican moves are absolutely asinine. These parks are part of our legacy and heritage, and these guys want to drill and spoil the very land that had been previously set aside in perpetuity.

As it is, drilling is going on in close proximity to the parks. On my drive through the area around Moab to Canyonlands Islands in the Sky District and Dead Horse Point State Park, there were signs of drilling everywhere (2003 image courtesy of Getty Images). There were pipelines being laid, and drilling rigs, which have to locate the oil before the pumps can be installed, were being erected at any number of vista points - and this is along the designated scenic byway (I’ll have to locate photos I took of the active drilling operations).

This particular area has been targeted by outdoor industry leaders like North Face, Patagonia, for additional protections, which the Utah Republicans and the Congressional Republican caucus has refused to do. Tourism is a $4 billion business in Utah, and is far more important to the state’s coffers than the oil and gas industry. That’s even as energy companies have been buying up leases throughout the area to go after oil and gas believed to be under the area.

The area already suffers from a long term drought condition, and the drilling operations require quite a bit of water, and fracking can and does affect groundwater, meaning that the drilling could poison the groundwater as well.

But this is part of the larger resentment by people, primarily in the Western States, where the federal government has set aside land for national parks or monuments. That’s even though the feds also give cut rate usage for grazing on federal lands and mineral rights and severance fees/taxes are still all too low.

What gets lost on the drilling and energy company supporters is that tourism is a far bigger economic driver than the energy companies for the local economy. And the tourism industry can have less impact on the environment. While the oil/gas infrastructure development may result in an initial surge of jobs as the infrastructure is built, only a handful of jobs remain to maintain thereafter. It might take 100 guys to build out the pipeline or erect the rigs, but a handful of guys to manage and maintain thereafter.

A tourism magnet like Yellowstone can support thousands of jobs indefinitely - you’ve got outfitters who will give tours, run adventure sports gigs, outfitters, restaurants, hoteliers, etc. Each outfitter can tailor themselves to different kinds of experiences - photography, wildlife, adventure (like kayaking, rafting, biking, climbing, etc.)

The Republicans want to dismantle all these protections and limit the ability of President Obama and future presidents to set aside land for protection. That makes their actions in the GOP led shutdown all the absurd when they claimed that the President forced the closure of the national parks. This action reveals once again that the Republicans have little interest in conservation of natural resources and our heritage and put oil and gas industry wealth ahead of that of the environment.

UPDATE at 3/27/14 11:01:22 am

Here’s a map showing where drilling is already affecting or may impact national park units (including National Parks, National Recreation Areas, and National Monuments).

Jump to bottom

1 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 9:48:25am

Despoiling timeless natural beauty that will be lost forever, just for a few more years of the love affair with fossil fuels and the burning thereof.

Ain’t our society grand?

2 kirkspencer  Mar 27, 2014 9:50:07am

I hate to say it’s simple, but it is.

In their minds, some money now beats more good later. Cook the seed corn, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, pick your metaphor - they can’t grasp ‘tomorrow’.

3 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 9:50:39am

I look forward to seeing oil and gas drilling rigs popping up in Big Bend National Park, Texas. //

4 Dr. Matt  Mar 27, 2014 9:51:12am

And Obama Derangement Syndrome worsens.

5 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 9:53:54am

re: #2 kirkspencer

I hate to say it’s simple, but it is.

In their minds, some money now beats more good later. Cook the seed corn, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, pick your metaphor - they can’t grasp ‘tomorrow’.

This is a basic, foundational problem with capitalism as it is practiced in the united states.

Corporations have an obligation to their shareholders. They have to turn profits. They are expected to demonstrate growth. This growth is expected to be perpetual, infinitely increasing, measured on a quarterly basis. Under such a model, there can be no consideration for long-term sustainability. You must do whatever maximizes revenue for the current quarter.

It is fundamentally at odds with responsible stewardship of the planet.

6 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 9:54:22am

As long as our concept of prosperity is based on the rate at which we consume natural resources, there will be no end to this sort of thinking.

7 makeitstop  Mar 27, 2014 9:55:27am

They’ve finally taken the ‘conserve’ out of ‘conservatism.’

A party so bereft of any type of values should be nowhere near the levers of power. Not ever.

8 Pie-onist Overlord  Mar 27, 2014 9:56:54am

Fracking over the Yellowstone Caldera.

What could possibly go wrong?

9 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 9:57:22am

National Parks and National Monuments are for libruls! //

10 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 9:57:44am
11 lawhawk  Mar 27, 2014 9:59:32am

Thanks for the promotion Charles. This subject just ticks me off. And it was driven home on my just concluded vacation to Southern Utah. I saw the drilling and pipeline construction up close as I was driving around, and astounded just how close to the parks they really were.

And then I come home and find that there are some GOPers who are actually trying to get drilling in the parks and monuments themselves?

The NPS is actively trying to restore habitat in parks that are no longer considered appropriate - Yosemite is looking at restoring habitat along the Valley and up in Mariposa Grove that had gone for things like ice skating rinks, roads and buildings, and here come the GOPers who are pushing for oil and gas exploration.

And they call themselves conservatives? What are they actually conserving if they’re looking to spoil lands that Teddy Roosevelt and his successors had the foresight to protect in perpetuity.

12 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 9:59:50am

Said Texas congressman sponsoring the super derpish National Parks drilling bill (which won’t go anywhere) represents a Houston suburb.

13 Dr. Matt  Mar 27, 2014 10:00:27am

National Parks are Unconstitutional!

14 Pie-onist Overlord  Mar 27, 2014 10:01:15am



15 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Mar 27, 2014 10:01:25am

It took an avid hunter with a conscience named Teddy Roosevelt to instill this sense of responsibility towards our natural resources. And this is what our National Parks represent- responsibility towards the country, the planet, and to our children’s children.

Unfortunately, modern right wing thinking in America is married to the idea of religious-sanctioned rape of any and all natural resources. Predicated on the notion of the modern Evangelical Christian worldview of “God giving the planet to Man” we should feel free to exploit everything without regard to any sort of consequences, whether it be pollution, climate change, sight lines, animal displacement and/or extinction, etc. Seems like more of a Satanic worldview to me.

16 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:01:27am

re: #13 Dr. Matt

>National Parks are Unconstitutional!

National Parks aren’t in the bible!

17 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 10:01:49am
18 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:02:02am

Jesus would have opposed National Parks!

19 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:02:44am

Hitler would have supported National Parks and Monuments!

20 lawhawk  Mar 27, 2014 10:03:09am

re: #8 Pie-onist Overlord

Yellowstone wouldn’t actually need fracking; it’s got so many cracks in the soil/subsurface that it is one of the reasons that it’s got the world’s largest concentration of geothermal features. There, the energy companies would look to harness that power.

No, the real concern is for places like Southern Utah (at or near Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce, Capitol Reef or Zion) or Colorado (around Mesa Verde or Rocky Mt NP), the Dakotas (think Black Hills mining within Badlands NP), or Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey that sit astride Marcellus shale (think fracking within the Delaware River Gap NRA).

21 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:04:04am

NATIONAL Parks… NATIONAL Socialism… can’t you libtards see the connection? NATIONAL Parks is Naziism!

22 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 10:06:07am

MOAR OYAL! Stupid fucks. We already produce(and consume) more oil than anyone else on the planet.

23 kirkspencer  Mar 27, 2014 10:06:44am

re: #12 Gus

Said Texas congressman sponsoring the super derpish National Parks drilling bill (which won’t go anywhere) represents a Houston suburb.

He’s the Sugarland rep (yes, his area of responsibility is a bit bigger, but that’s where his main office is) who replaced Tom Delay. Sugarland is the most affluent city in the Houston area and one of if not the most affluent in Texas.

And I think that’s enough said.

24 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 10:08:48am

Charles, I like the tweet popup after you tweet a FP story here. Makes it easy to grab the URL without going back to twitter.

25 Skip Intro  Mar 27, 2014 10:10:02am

re: #2 kirkspencer

I hate to say it’s simple, but it is.

In their minds, some money now beats more good later. Cook the seed corn, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, pick your metaphor - they can’t grasp ‘tomorrow’.

That’s because Jebus is coming back any day now, so there’s no need to plan for a future that we’ll never have.

26 Pie-onist Overlord  Mar 27, 2014 10:13:13am

re: #25 Skip Intro

That’s because Jebus is coming back any day now, so there’s no need to plan for a future that we’ll never have.


27 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 10:13:47am

re: #22 darthstar

MOAR OYAL! Stupid fucks. We already produce(and consume) more oil than anyone else on the planet.

And we do it for no damned good reason, which is the really sad part.

I drive a Prius. People can drive what they want, whatever, I won’t get into that. But just by way of example? My commute takes me down a pretty lengthy stretch of two-lane roads with double-yellow lines, with 35MPH speed limits. Gently-rolling terrain, all of which combine to make it really ideal for gliding along in EV mode — the acceleration’s pretty anemic, but I can get it up to 40 on just the torque motor alone, and let the downslopes build up the momentum to get up the next hill at 30MPH still in EV.

All of this means that my mileage is 50mpg on a bad day. I’ve pulled up to 65 on particularly good ones.

Yet it happens all the damn time. People will cross the double yellows and slam on the gas to fly by me. Then I get to the next stop sign or traffic light, and there they are — stopped at the same freaking light, all of one car length ahead of me.

Was it worth it, asshole? Was it really worth all the fuel you just burned?

And as we discussed a few days ago in a different thread, since the Prius is a hatchback I can carry whatever the hell I need to carry as a homeowner. Sure I can’t haul heavy equipment with it, but that’s what truck rentals are for — if I REALLY need to haul something I can’t load into the car, I just rent a small truck for a day.

28 wrenchwench  Mar 27, 2014 10:16:38am

Some people still aren’t ready to relinquish control of the land to the feds, let alone the oil and gas interests.

In this March 10, 2014 photo, Navajo elder Stella Peshlakai Smith, 89, stands outside a traditional dwelling on her homestead at Wupatki National Monument in northern Arizona.

Across the West, few American Indians remain on lands that have become iconic tourist destinations managed by the federal government.

Before an expanse of grassland and pueblo ruins in northern Arizona was declared a national monument, it was home to hundreds of Navajos whose ancestors returned to settle the area after a forced march to an eastern New Mexico internment camp.

Slowly, the Navajo families left Wupatki National Monument too, either voluntarily or under pressure by the National Park Service, which sought to eliminate private use of the public land it managed. Only one Navajo woman remains.

When 89-year-old Stella Peshlakai Smith dies, her residency permit dies with her, ending forever the Navajo presence at Wupatki.


29 lawhawk  Mar 27, 2014 10:16:45am

Wonder what Fred Thompson, king of the reverse mortgage infomercial, thinks of the fact that those “wonderful” reverse mortgages are now forcing the kids of those who signed those reverse mortgages out of the homes their parents owned.

Pitfalls of Reverse Mortgages May Pass to Heirs

30 jaunte  Mar 27, 2014 10:17:42am

re: #12 Gus

Said Texas congressman sponsoring the super derpish National Parks drilling bill (which won’t go anywhere) represents a Houston suburb.

He seems like a cookie-cutter socon:
“Drill drill drill”
“I Stand with HobbyLobby”
“Obamacare is devastating”
“Oh, and here’s a picture of Ronald Reagan”

31 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 10:18:08am

re: #29 lawhawk

Wonder what Fred Thompson, king of the reverse mortgage infomercial, thinks of the fact that those “wonderful” reverse mortgages are now forcing the kids of those who signed those reverse mortgages out of the homes their parents owned.

Pitfalls of Reverse Mortgages May Pass to Heirs

He’s thinking that he made some sweet bank, and screw all of the people that were stupid enough to believe him. Like all snake oil salesmen.

32 Justanotherhuman  Mar 27, 2014 10:18:59am

re: #25 Skip Intro

That’s because Jebus is coming back any day now, so there’s no need to plan for a future that we’ll never have.

Almost as much as I despised GWB for Iraq, privatization of so many govt services, and contracting boondoggles, his using an evangelical “conversion” to garner votes and further, to install those types into his administration, is something I’ll never forgive him for. I will always think he had a huge hand in the kind of idiocy we’re seeing from the RWNJs these days; he and his admin couldn’t control it, and it was encouraged and fostered by the GOP during his tenure and culminated in the teabagger types. I think they really believed they were going to control the country for the next dozen election cycles at least.

Thanks, Lawhawk, for this—it’s one of the most important issues we’re facing.

33 Dr. Matt  Mar 27, 2014 10:18:59am

We have confirmation that Ted Nugent is indeed on drugs:

Ted Nugent believes Saul Alinsky and racism are responsible for people hating his music

On Saturday, Nugent told the Forth Worth Star-Telegram that the real reason for the revocation of the offer [to play a 4th of July show in Longview, Texas] was that Mayor Dean is racist. “I hear from reliable sources that the mayor is a racist and was offended that my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,” he said.


“Those that hate me are following the Saul Alinsky playbook on how to dismantle, fundamentally transform the greatest nation and quality of life the world has ever known,” he continued.

Those that hate me hate America, plain and simple.”

34 Justanotherhuman  Mar 27, 2014 10:20:37am

re: #29 lawhawk

Wonder what Fred Thompson, king of the reverse mortgage infomercial, thinks of the fact that those “wonderful” reverse mortgages are now forcing the kids of those who signed those reverse mortgages out of the homes their parents owned.

Pitfalls of Reverse Mortgages May Pass to Heirs

He got paid—he could give a flying fuck.

35 wrenchwench  Mar 27, 2014 10:22:41am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

We have confirmation that Ted Nugent is indeed on drugs:

Ted Nugent believes Saul Alinsky and racism are responsible for people hating his music

Saul Alinsky had been dead for 5 years before Cat Scratch Fever hit the airwaves. He’s innocent.

36 Iwouldprefernotto  Mar 27, 2014 10:26:43am

re: #35 wrenchwench

Saul Alinsky had been dead for 5 years before Cat Scratch Fever hit the airwaves. He’s innocent.

Ted Nugent makes music?

37 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:27:05am

re: #35 wrenchwench

Saul Alinsky had been dead for 5 years before Cat Scratch Fever hit the airwaves. He’s innocent.

I was dragged to a Ted Nugent concert around 1978. Could stand Nugent but I went anyway and flipped him the bird. Probably didn’t see me. Audience was a disgusting mess of young, drunk, vomiting men for the most part. I didn’t need to read Alinsky nor Angela Davis to form my opinion of Nugent’s music. :D

38 lawhawk  Mar 27, 2014 10:27:43am


She thinks the round of FBI busts of Democrats in office around the country is somehow meant to forestall or highlight GOP busts that will come later this year.

Wow. That’s some crazy speculation, but you know what it also indicates?

That Malkin knows that there’s a bunch of GOPers who are corrupt, but have yet to be caught. Not like she’s using any of her investigative powers to reel them in.

Instead, she confers nefarious intent on the AG and FBI for politicizing investigations into corruption.


39 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:28:21am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

We have confirmation that Ted Nugent is indeed on drugs:

“my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,”

Yep, Stormtroopin’ is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about African-American-influenced music…

40 ramex  Mar 27, 2014 10:28:53am

Drill Pete Olson’s head. I know he’s got enough bullshit in there to fertilize the entire central valley.

41 Eventual Carrion  Mar 27, 2014 10:29:01am

re: #9 Gus

National Parks and National Monuments are for libruls! //

Unless they get closed because of a government shutdown, then they are much needed and cause to bitch and storm barricades.

42 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:29:29am

“Those that hate me hate America, plain and simple.”

In other words, they are subhuman mongrels, right?

43 Dr. Matt  Mar 27, 2014 10:30:28am

re: #39 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

“my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,”

Yep, Stormtroopin’ is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about African-American-influenced music…

Right up there with “Jailbait.” You can clearly hear the huge Sam Cooke and Smokey Robinson influences.

44 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 10:31:11am

re: #38 lawhawk

45 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:33:11am

Ted Nugent playing guitar:

Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah // Bwang // Bwang // Bwang // Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah // Bwang

46 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:33:30am

re: #43 Dr. Matt

Right up there with “Jailbait.” You can clearly hear the huge Sam Cooke and Smokey Robinson influences.

There was a time when I had a bit of begrudging respect for Ted as an idiosyncratic but principled individualist. But that was before he totally went off the rails over Obama.

47 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:33:49am

Gawd I can’t stand the repetitious nature of some of these dumb jock guitar riffs.

48 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:34:09am


49 NJDhockeyfan  Mar 27, 2014 10:34:39am
50 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:40:15am

Repeats same pentatonic triad on the high B and E strings for 5 minutes. Yawn. Sing about being drunk or being high, being in high school, raunchy sex, “I hate mom, I hate dad.” “Hey man like I’m hallucinating man.” Yawn.

51 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:43:17am

Buh-te-tah // Buh-te-tah // Bwang // Power Chord // Low-E Pull // Bwang // Lame Riff // Repeat

52 William Barnett-Lewis  Mar 27, 2014 10:43:24am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

We have confirmation that Ted Nugent is indeed on drugs:

No Ted, those that hate you:
1) Hate a pants shitting cowardly chickenhawk
2) Hate a convicted poacher
3) Know that you have no sense of “blues” or “soul”
3) Know that you’ll need to take guitar lessons before what you record is music anyway.

53 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:43:45am
54 Dr. Matt  Mar 27, 2014 10:44:02am

re: #46 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

There was a time when I had a bit of begrudging respect for Ted as an idiosyncratic but principled individualist. But that was before he totally went off the rails over Obama.

As a teenager in the 80s, he was on local FM radio in Detroit regularly. He was pro-gun but was largely apolitical. His shtick was sex and rock and roll. I can’t recall him ever talking about Democrats or libruls. I even saw two of his New Years Eve shows in Detroit, and again, nothing political. It’s amazing how a radical political agenda, along with ODS, can distort someone’s reality.

55 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:44:16am
56 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:44:26am

Wear eye liner. Make serious facial expression. Act really deep. Grow your hair really long. Get a perm. Tease it. Wear tight lace up leather pants and go shirtless. Bwang! Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah // Buh-te-tah //

57 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:45:01am

but hey - the south has no problems - because george washington carver!

58 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:45:32am

re: #56 Gus

Wear eye liner. Make serious facial expression. Act really deep. Grow your hair really long. Get a perm. Tease it. Wear tight lace up leather pants and go shirtless. Bwang! Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah // Buh-te-tah //

real men dont wear eyeliner, only johnny depp

59 Justanotherhuman  Mar 27, 2014 10:46:02am

re: #37 Gus

I was dragged to a Ted Nugent concert around 1978. Could stand Nugent but I went anyway and flipped him the bird. Probably didn’t see me. Audience was a disgusting mess of young, drunk, vomiting men for the most part. I didn’t need to read Alinsky nor Angela Davis to form my opinion of Nugent’s music. :D

Basic Chords Ted has no sense of history whatsoever. Or age, either.

60 renata39.5  Mar 27, 2014 10:47:24am

Thing is, they don’t have to get into the parks to drill where they want to. That’s what makes this such a power play. Certainly, there might be a need to have specifically written permits, but with directional drilling, they don’t have to put rigs anywhere inside any national park. And they know it.

61 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:48:08am

re: #59 Justanotherhuman

Basic Chords Ted has no sense of history whatsoever. Or age, either.

I think we should allow oil drilling on Nugent’s head. //

62 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:48:39am

re: #61 Gus

I think we should allow oil drilling on Nugent’s head. //

funky old sweat might power a plant or two

63 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:49:14am

re: #62 palmerskiss

funky old sweat might power a plant or two

Old man head grease!

64 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:50:12am

re: #63 Gus

Old man head grease!

has many uses - wallpaper paste, hair gel, bacon fat enhancer, female pest repellent,

65 NJDhockeyfan  Mar 27, 2014 10:52:03am

re: #58 palmerskiss

real men dont wear eyeliner, only johnny depp

And 80s hair bands.

66 wrenchwench  Mar 27, 2014 10:52:27am

re: #63 Gus

Old man head grease!

There was a guy in here an hour ago who had enough food in his beard to feed a small family. He said his bike flies to get him away from all the people who are trying to kill him. Also had a childhood story of being kidnapped and taken to NYC, which seems to be common among people who live on their bikes.

67 Gus  Mar 27, 2014 10:53:55am

re: #66 wrenchwench

There was a guy in here an hour ago who had enough food in his beard to feed a small family. He said his bike flies to get him away from all the people who are trying to kill him. Also had a childhood story of being kidnapped and taken to NYC, which seems to be common among people who live on their bikes.

And people who live in 1982 VW Rabbits. //

68 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:54:06am

re: #65 NJDhockeyfan

And 80s hair bands.

mmm pete sampras

69 BongCrodny  Mar 27, 2014 10:54:27am

re: #56 Gus

Wear eye liner. Make serious facial expression. Act really deep. Grow your hair really long. Get a perm. Tease it. Wear tight lace up leather pants and go shirtless. Bwang! Buh-te-tah //Buh-te-tah // Buh-te-tah //

You forgot “marry a 14-year-old.”

70 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:55:31am

re: #69 BongCrodny

You forgot “marry a 14-year-old.”

that is the freakiest part of nugent, and what makes his appeal to the right so puzzling… i do not understand the child sex thing….

71 BongCrodny  Mar 27, 2014 10:55:46am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

We have confirmation that Ted Nugent is indeed on drugs:

“Those that hate me are following the Saul Alinsky playbook on how to dismantle, fundamentally transform the greatest nation and quality of life the world has ever known,” he continued.


72 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 27, 2014 10:56:45am

Another thing to keep in mind, is that creationists believe in “abiotic oil” and that there is no such thing a peak oil.
Abiotic oil is never-ending because it’s constantly being renewed:

“The Theory of Abiotic Oil”
(Put on your hip waders…)

73 Chrysicat  Mar 27, 2014 10:56:59am

(I know, you said above that they don’t need to do that because GEOTHERMAL, but GEOTHERMAL doesn’t drive Mack trucks, so I suspect they’ll still try to squeeze out any petroleum they can get)

74 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:57:07am

re: #70 palmerskiss

that is the freakiest part of nugent, and what makes his appeal to the right so puzzling… i do not understand the child sex thing….

Anybody who brandishes an assault weapon on stage and shouts “Suck on this Hillary! Suck on this Obama!” is a hero in their eyes…

75 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 10:57:13am

all the left has to do is try and educate children on how to be sexually responsible adults - and they are called perverts and pedophiles by the right

ted nugent actually has sex with them and is a folklore hero..

anyone want to explain?

76 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 10:57:37am
77 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 10:57:38am

re: #59 Justanotherhuman

Basic Chords Ted has no sense of history whatsoever. Or age, either.

One of the many reasons I love Lordi: They’re just a damned fun band. They may not be great (I’m not schooled enough in music to be able to comment on whether they’re impressive or banal), but you have to love the kind of folks that would rock out with a song who’s entire premise is to say “This is metal because we say it is, damnit!”

Edit: Questionably NSFW. It’s Finnish metal.

Youtube Video

78 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:57:40am

re: #75 palmerskiss

all the left has to do is try and educate children on how to be sexually responsible adults - and they are called perverts and pedophiles by the right

ted nugent actually has sex with them and is a folklore hero..

anyone want to explain?

see post above

79 BongCrodny  Mar 27, 2014 10:58:31am

Ted Nugent performs African-American-inspired music like I write Shakespeare-inspired prose.

80 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 10:59:28am

re: #77 GunstarGreen

One of the many reasons I love Lordi: They’re just a damned fun band. They may not be great (I’m not schooled enough in music to be able to comment on whether they’re impressive or banal), but you have to love the kind of folks that would rock out with a song who’s entire premise is to say “This is metal because we say it is, damnit!”

[Embedded content]

A friend of mine was working at a research facility in Finland when Lordi won the Eurovision Song Contest…he decided to name his ongoing project “Laser Organic Digital Interface”: LORDI

81 EPR-radar  Mar 27, 2014 11:00:01am

re: #75 palmerskiss

all the left has to do is try and educate children on how to be sexually responsible adults - and they are called perverts and pedophiles by the right

ted nugent actually has sex with them and is a folklore hero..

anyone want to explain?

Mindless tribalism in action.

82 NJDhockeyfan  Mar 27, 2014 11:02:18am
83 Kragar  Mar 27, 2014 11:04:06am

Anytime the GOP propose anything involving the National Parks, its going to be to fuck them over.

84 Ian G.  Mar 27, 2014 11:04:35am

I dunno, I’m guessing the many Alabama and Mississippi and Arizona and Texas plates I’ve seen in places like Yellowstone indicate that Republicans love themselves some National Parks too. This is just idiotic beyond words, but par for the course for the neo-Confederate Jacobins who would rather destroy the country than let it be governed by by a ni*CLANG.

85 Ian G.  Mar 27, 2014 11:05:49am

re: #83 Kragar

Anytime the GOP propose anything involving the National Parks, its going to be to fuck them over.

Modern Republicans, of the chickenshit, ignorant, fanatical kind, yes.

Old school Republicans, however…..

86 wrenchwench  Mar 27, 2014 11:06:05am

re: #84 Ian G.

I dunno, I’m guessing the many Alabama and Mississippi and Arizona and Texas plates I’ve seen in places like Yellowstone indicate that Republicans love themselves some National Parks too. This is just idiotic beyond words, but par for the course for the neo-Confederate Jacobins who would rather destroy the country than let it be governed by by a ni*CLANG.

Jan Brewer, noted Republican governor, came up with state funds to keep the Grand Canyon open during the federal shutdown.

87 makeitstop  Mar 27, 2014 11:06:38am

re: #77 GunstarGreen

One of the many reasons I love Lordi: They’re just a damned fun band. They may not be great (I’m not schooled enough in music to be able to comment on whether they’re impressive or banal), but you have to love the kind of folks that would rock out with a song who’s entire premise is to say “This is metal because we say it is, damnit!”

[Embedded content]

They talked Jay Jay French into doing a guitar track for their album, prior to their winning Eurosong. He told me if he knew they were going to win and get big, he would have charged them a lot more money for the guitar track.

But yeah, fun band. Metal for the sheer sake of it.

88 Kragar  Mar 27, 2014 11:08:36am

re: #85 Ian G.

Modern Republicans, of the chickenshit, ignorant, fanatical kind, yes.

Old school Republicans, however…..

And like most examples with the GOP, you need to go back decades to find one worth a damn.

89 Pie-onist Overlord  Mar 27, 2014 11:09:11am

re: #82 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

People don’t know that “Lysistrata” was not a real historical person, but a fictional character in a comedy written by a dude, performed by dudes in a theater where women were forbidden to enter.

90 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 27, 2014 11:09:55am

re: #87 makeitstop

They talked Jay Jay French into doing a guitar track for their album, prior to their winning Eurosong. He told me if he knew they were going to win and get big, he would have charged them a lot more money for the guitar track.

But yeah, fun band. Metal for the sheer sake of it.

In the Nordic countires, Metal is sort of the equivalent of top-40 country in America: every bit as prevalent and seen by many as part of their cultural identity

91 darthstar  Mar 27, 2014 11:10:53am
92 makeitstop  Mar 27, 2014 11:11:13am

re: #89 Pie-onist Overlord

People don’t know that “Lysistrata” was not a real historical person, but a fictional character in a comedy written by a dude, performed by dudes in a theater where women were forbidden to enter.

That calls for a song!

Youtube Video

93 GunstarGreen  Mar 27, 2014 11:12:25am

re: #90 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

In the Nordic countires, Metal is sort of the equivalent of top-40 country in America: every bit as prevalent and seen by many as part of their cultural identity

Vikings: Metal in Human Form.

94 lawhawk  Mar 27, 2014 11:12:45am

re: #86 wrenchwench

Only after someone whispered in her ear that a significant chunk of economic activity in the state is due to the fortuitous location of a certain big hole in the ground (Grand Canyon) and other various national parks and monuments including , Saguaro, Glen Canyon, Petrified Desert, Sonoran Desert, etc.

In 2013, NPS administered lands resulted in $745 million in economic benefits to Arizona.

95 makeitstop  Mar 27, 2014 11:13:40am

re: #90 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

In the Nordic countires, Metal is sort of the equivalent of top-40 country in America: every bit as prevalent and seen by many as part of their cultural identity

I work for Twisted Sister, and I’m well aware of how seriously they take their metal. Their dance card is full of metal festivals, every year.

No matter what anyone thinks of Twisted, they are revered throughout Europe and headline festivals now that they would have been second-stringers on back when they were ‘famous.’

96 The Ghost of a Flea  Mar 27, 2014 11:14:15am

re: #75 palmerskiss

all the left has to do is try and educate children on how to be sexually responsible adults - and they are called perverts and pedophiles by the right

ted nugent actually has sex with them and is a folklore hero..

anyone want to explain?

Layered privilege.

One of the basic points in many of the wingnut abstinence “education” programs: Men are incapable of controlling their sexual urges, and aggressive pursuit of sex is in keeping with their God-given natural instincts as hunters and warriors. Even the ones that aren’t hopped up on “Real, True Christianity” have elaborate justification systems for guys doing what they want, and certain types of guys…rich, white, wingnut…can still be good, even great, while violating all the basic premises of what is appropriate sexual expression.

It’s purpose-built so that if you’re at the top of the privilege heap, the rules are different.

97 Justanotherhuman  Mar 27, 2014 11:20:11am

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says granddaughter is being harassed after report his campaign paid her for supporter gifts - @CNN


98 Killgore Trout  Mar 27, 2014 11:23:06am

Heads up: No signs North Koreans ordered to get Kim Jong Un haircuts

99 Tigger2  Mar 27, 2014 11:44:10am

The Republicans wont stop until they have destroyed everything good in this country, and all that just for a profit.

100 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 11:56:26am

re: #96 The Ghost of a Flea

Layered privilege.

One of the basic points in many of the wingnut abstinence “education” programs: Men are incapable of controlling their sexual urges, and aggressive pursuit of sex is in keeping with their God-given natural instincts as hunters and warriors. Even the ones that aren’t hopped up on “Real, True Christianity” have elaborate justification systems for guys doing what they want, and certain types of guys…rich, white, wingnut…can still be good, even great, while violating all the basic premises of what is appropriate sexual expression.

It’s purpose-built so that if you’re at the top of the privilege heap, the rules are different.

not that far out ..indeed.

101 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 11:57:07am

re: #99 Tigger2

The Republicans wont stop until they have destroyed everything good in this country, and all that just for a profit.

randian in scope and imagination

102 palmerskiss  Mar 27, 2014 12:00:36pm

re: #97 Justanotherhuman

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says granddaughter is being harassed after report his campaign paid her for supporter gifts - @CNN


and my response to harry would be “well then stop abusing your privilege to benefit your family.”

103 Eventual Carrion  Mar 27, 2014 12:28:42pm

re: #97 Justanotherhuman

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says granddaughter is being harassed after report his campaign paid her for supporter gifts - @CNN


Wonder if they would have been happier if she ran an educational software company and he mandated that all the schools in Nev. had to use that software?

104 sagehen  Mar 27, 2014 3:12:03pm

re: #29 lawhawk

Wonder what Fred Thompson, king of the reverse mortgage infomercial, thinks of the fact that those “wonderful” reverse mortgages are now forcing the kids of those who signed those reverse mortgages out of the homes their parents owned.

Pitfalls of Reverse Mortgages May Pass to Heirs

The whole *point* of a reverse mortgage is a slow motion sale, to be able to liquidate/spend your equity in your retirement, without having to actually move.

Do people really not understand they’re using it up, and it won’t still be there to leave to the kids?

105 FemNaziBitch  Mar 27, 2014 4:34:37pm

Got to go into the City today for a Book Talk. Jenny Bowen talked about her book Wish You Happy Forever: What China’s orphans taught me about moving mountains.

She also talked about the NGO she started called Half The Sky.

A filmmaker, she made a short video that is not yet available on youtube. It was very good and I wish I could share it here. Jenny said she was going to wait until the book tour is over before releasing the video.

in 16 years she went from middle-class adoptive mother to this:

In 2007 Jenny was awarded the American Chamber of Commerce’s Women of Influence Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Hong Kong, In 2008 she received the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, she carried the Olympic Torch on Chinese soil, and in the same year Half the Sky became one of only a handful of foreign NGOs officially recognized and legally registered by the Chinese government. She serves on China’s National Committee for Orphans and Disabled Children and on the Expert Consultative Committee for Beijing Normal University’s Philanthropy Research Institute.

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