
Anti-gay pundits deplete national supply of Nazi comparisons, irony

Like the boy who cried wolf…to cover up that his hobby was mutilating sheep.
April 2014
Anybody else catch this doozy?

The gays are going to force us all into tolerating them, Or kill us. Or tolerance-camp us. Something that requires a pre-emptive strike by the forces of decency…which will coincidentally take the form of policing the population for gayness, criminalizing gayness, and maybe forced reparitive therapy…in camps. And the occasional …

WSJ publishes op-ed from health care expert Suzanne Somers

The future is a head hitting a desk, forever.
October 2013
re: #27 Sophist, D.D., DDS, DFH That sums up the intellectual heft and tenor of just about every right-wing publication and bogus news organization in America. They are nothing more than the point of origin for a bunch of cheesy ...

Making Trayvon’s Skittles and Ice Tea Criminally Suspect

Jim Hoft not only falls for the stupidest speculation on the net, his sources are racist rags, citing other racists secondhand
July 2013
re: #35 makeitstop Me too. I saw it long ago, from a loving father, a Dartmouth man for heavens sake. I had hoped that by today, my large family would have all joined in the really is like a ...