
A Glorious New Animated Jam From Snarky Puppy: "Bad Kids to the Back"

ObserverArt2/23/2019 9:17:51 am PST

re: #99 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

after the 2016 election, there was a slim chance (hope?) that the congress, even an R congress would stand up for itself.

that they rolled over and caved so damn fast, before they really knew he had stolen the base out from under them was stunning to me

congress (and to some extent the media) is really why we’re in the mess we’re in.
they abdicated. both of them

two years in, the new Dem house is trying to play catch up

I also blame the American voting public. They are too easily swayed by bullshitters and fall for it because they are too lazy to do any critical thinking about our politicians and government and what it all means to this country and our daily lives.

Sure there are con men. But they can only get over on people that let them. And they let them because they aren’t smart enough to look past the con.