
Seth Meyers: Trump Lies About Hush Money Case at Waco Rally as Possible Indictment Looms

ckkatz3/28/2023 12:00:07 pm PDT

re: #98 Crush White Nationalism

My first thought would be to see if there are communication issues. Bad connection? Bad port?

My second would be to see if there are problems with the driver/software etc. Anything that might return a recorded system error. That could be viewed in some system log.

Lots of other possibilities, but I would look at things that I can see, fix, replace etc.

Sort of like the joke about the cop who one night comes across a guy crawling about under a street lamp.
The cop asks โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€
The guy replies โ€œIโ€™m looking for my wallet.โ€
The cop asks โ€œYou lost your wallet here?โ€
The guy replies โ€œNo, I lost my wallet over there. but itโ€™s too dark to see anything over there.โ€