
Jackson Browne at Home: "Long Way Around"

Dangerman6/27/2021 5:48:20 pm PDT
Digital operatives in both parties deploy an array of manipulative tactics that can deceive donors of all age groups: faux bill notices and official-looking correspondence; bogus offers to match donations and hidden links to unsubscribe; and prechecked boxes that automatically repeat donations, which are widely seen as the most egregious scheme.”

“But some groups appear to specifically target older internet users, blasting out messages with subject lines like ‘Social Security’ that have particular resonance for older people, and spending disproportionately on ads for an older audience. In many cases, the most unscrupulous tactics of direct mail have simply been rebooted for the digital age — with ruthless new precision.”

Parents to children 20 years ago “Don’t trust strangers on the internet”

Children to parents today “Don’t trust strangers on the internet”