
Colbert: T**** and Pence Wage Proxy War in GA; Elon Musk Jokes About Sexual Misconduct Allegation

Charles Johnson5/25/2022 1:09:07 pm PDT

First, we absolutely do have to vote for Democrats because the alternative is a nightmare.

But second, it’s not wrong to criticize the Democratic Party for inaction and weak responses to this kind of shit. Beto O’Rourke demonstrated how I’d like Democrats to start acting, and he’s being covered on all the news channels for it. This is how to get media attention, and he isn’t just acting either - you can tell his heart is in this.

Compare to Chuck Schumer saying no, we’re not gonna try to bring any legislation and besides it’s time for our vacation. I understand why people are upset with Democrats; I am too. Maybe I’m expecting too much but I don’t think so.