
Seth Meyers: Trump Lies About Hush Money Case at Waco Rally as Possible Indictment Looms

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈3/28/2023 10:01:21 am PDT

re: #13 Nerdy Fish

Why should that matter? I can understand that as a criteria for laws against discrimination, but I see no reason why that should matter when it comes to simply not judging all books by one cover. But whatever; I’m clearly wrong here. The next year is going to be nonstop grievance theater from churchgoers talking about β€œbeing repressed by the evil β€˜woke’ agenda,” and sane and rational people laughing at all of us, whether we agree with those statements or not.

American Christianity is generally toxic. If nice Christians were louder than hateful Christians that might change, but today Christians look like a hate movement.