
Palin Needed a Script to Debate Biden

Lidane4/29/2010 10:17:12 am PDT

re: #159 JRCMYP

She’s a hypocrite that has benefited from social progressiveness, but is too narcissistic to understand that it isn’t just her ambition that has given her equal rights in this country. She’s the antithesis of Hilary Clinton. And this is why so many women were offended by McCain’s choice.

Well, that and the fact that there are other smarter, better educated, better informed, far more articulate Republican women out there. If John McCain had seriously wanted a woman on his ticket, there were better choices available. He didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the barrel like he did with Caribou Barbie.

Another reason why so many women were personally offended? The initial GOP spin had Palin as some sort of conservative substitute for Hillary. It was not only an insult to Hillary, but to women in general, as if we’re some sort of hive vagina that will vote for anything female just because they’re female. Hillary damn near became the first woman nominated by a major party for President, and the GOP belittled that by throwing a vapid Barbie doll up as a consolation prize. It was insulting and offensive.