
The Ron Paul Party?

Killgore Trout6/29/2009 2:18:15 pm PDT

Speaking of nutty Republicans…..
Oklahoma Lawmaker: The Gays and Obama are to Blame for Economic Crisis

In her Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for Morality, Kern calls for a “…need for a national awakening of righteousness in our land,” cherry picking quotes from James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to support her notion of a government based on Bible principles and her views on morality.

Kern believes there are more sinister motives at play, besides Wall Street for our nation’s economic crisis.

Kern believes President’ Obama’s support of gay pride events scheduled during the month of June and his failure to celebrate National Prayer Day to her satisfaction are to blame for our economic downturn.

Kern rails against same sex marriage and other forms of debauchery, blaming such immoral behavior for our economic woes.

Last year she even compared homosexuality to terrorism, saying, “I honestly think it’s the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam - which I think is a big threat, okay?”

Video report here: